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Hi, How to write test case for below class? Adavance thanks, public with sharing class Search_AESignatory { public List results{get;set;} // search results public string searchString{get;set;} // search keyword public Search_AESignatory() { // get the current search string searchString = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get(​'lksrch'); runSearch(); } // performs the keyword search public PageReference search() { runSearch(); return null; } // prepare the query and issue the search command private void runSearch() { // TODO prepare query string for complex serarches & prevent injections results = performSearch(searchString); } // run the search and return the records found. private List performSearch(string searchString) { String soql; List lstAgreements = [Select Id,echosign_dev1__Opportunity__c from echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c where Id =: System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get(​'AgreementId')]; Opportunity opp = [Select Legal_Entity__c,Amount from Opportunity where Id =: lstAgreements[0].echosign_dev1__Opportunity__c limit 1]; if(opp.Amount >= 50000) { soql = 'select id, name,Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c,Si​gnature_Authority__c from AE_Signatories__c where Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c LIKE \'%'+ opp.Legal_Entity__c + '%\' AND Signature_Authority__c =\'VP+ (above USD 50K)\''; if(searchString != '' && searchString != null) soql = soql + ' And (name LIKE \'%' + searchString +'%\' Or Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c Like \'%' + searchString +'%\') '; System.debug(soql); } else { soql = 'select id, name,Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c,Si​gnature_Authority__c from AE_Signatories__c where Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c LIKE \'%'+ opp.Legal_Entity__c + '%\' '; if(searchString != '' && searchString != null) soql = soql + ' And (name LIKE \'%' + searchString +'%\' Or Legal_Entity_ies_Signatory_Can_Sign_For__c Like \'%' + searchString +'%\') '; System.debug(soql); } soql = soql + 'Order by name ASC'; return database.query(soql); } // used by the visualforce page to send the link to the right dom element public string getFormTag() { return System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get(​'frm'); } // used by the visualforce page to send the link to the right dom element for the text box public string getTextBox() { return System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get(​'txt'); } } ..
Rajesh SriramuluRajesh Sriramulu



Try this


@is Test

Private class Search_AESignatory_Test{

static testmethod void Search_AESignatory_Test(){

Opportunityopp = new Opportunity();

opp.Legal_Entity__c ='Test';


insert opp

echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c eds = new echosign_dev1__SIGN_Agreement__c();

eds.//here insert the mandatory fileds


insert eds;

AE_Signatories__c ae = new AE_Signatories__c();

ae.  //here also insert the mandatory fields


insert ae;

 PageReference pageRef = Page.yourPageName;


Search_AESignatory sa = new Search_AESignatory();






