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Problem on Visualforce Page i can't go in the second page

i have a Visualforce page that build a pdf preview.
I use a <panelGrid> in order to display a table and inside  some <outputtext>: i would like that when the page ended the entire panelgrid goes in the next page and not only some outputtext. How an i perform this operation? I tried to use  <div> tag with attribute "display:block" but unfortunately i can't do it.

Could you help me?





Can u please explain in detail

Saurabh DhobleSaurabh Dhoble

Try out the page break CSS property on your DIV:-


<apex:page renderas="pdf">
<div style="page-break-after:always;">
This is page one
<div style="page-break-after:always;">
This should be rendered as page two
And, finally... page three


You can refer to the original article @