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CSS Styles in PDF lost



I am trying to render  a VF page  as PDF, the issue is that it looses all its CSS styling when I do that, please help :


VF page :


<apex:page controller="APController" id="pgAP" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">   
        .cls {font-size:9pt;
   <apex:form id="frm1">
      <!-- <apex:pageBlock title="AP report" id="blk1">  -->
         <table border="1">
             <td width="300">   
              <apex:repeat value="{!lstContacts}" var="cn" id="theRepeat">
                <apex:outputText styleClass="cls" value="{!cn.Name}" id="theName" /><br/>
                <apex:outputText styleClass="cls" value="{!cn.Title}" id="theTitle"/><br/>
      <!--  </apex:pageBlock>  -->




Shiv ShankarShiv Shankar
try this attribute with <apex:page standardStyleSheet = "false" >
Adam HowarthAdam Howarth



By default, the default styles arent applied. So i suppose you have two options


1. Manually include the standard stylesheets:


 <apex:page renderas="pdf">
<apex:stylesheet value="/sCSS/20.0/sprites/1290470434000/Theme3/default/sf/common.css"/> 
<apex:stylesheet value="/sCSS/20.0/sprites/1290470434000/Theme3/default/sf/extended.css"/>

 Which would be ok, but not sure how the versions hold up through updates.




2. You can do something similar, but copy the styles into a new css file and upload it as a static resource:


<apex:page renderas="pdf">
<apex:stylesheet value="{!$Resource.CustomStyleSheet}"/>

 Up to you though dude.


I'd recommend number 2 so you can control the styles regardless of any Salesforce Platform changes.