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Change 'Send Email' in Account to automatically CC Account owner email

Hey guys,


Our account owners want to be CC'd on all emails that go out to the clients and I am wondering how to do this without having to enter the email manually every time.


My thought is to replace the 'Send Email' button on the account page within the 'Activity History' section with a custom one that will pull in the account owners email address.


From reading, it looks like it may require some java and a custom button.


Any input is appreciated






Building functionality which is in standard from the scratch only for this small purpose might be quite time consuming and a little bit painfull (especially when You would like to allow assign attatchments, save email as an activity etc).


Instead of it maybe You could reconsider build a trigger on a task (emails are saved in a Task object) which will send an email to appriopriate Account Owners? 


Believe me, it will save you a lot of time :)



Best regards