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Display last email received in a VF page issue asc vs desc



I'm trying to display the last email received linked to a case in a VF page in an html format. 


This code is working great to display the first email received : 


public with sharing class CaseHTMLEmailController {
    private final Case caseObj;

    public String firstHTMLEmail { get 
        {return getFirstHTMLEmail(); }
    public CaseHTMLEmailController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        this.caseObj = (Case)stdController.getRecord();

    public String getFirstHTMLEmail() {
        EmailMessage firstEmail = [Select HtmlBody From EmailMessage where ParentId=:caseObj.Id order by LastModifiedDate asc limit 1];
        if (firstEmail!=null) {
            return firstEmail.HtmlBody;
        return '';

 But if I change the "order by LastModifiedDate asc limit 1" by "desc", to display the last email received, it won't display any records (EmailMessage HtmlBody) :


public with sharing class CaseHTMLEmailController {
    private final Case caseObj;

    public String firstHTMLEmail { get 
        {return getFirstHTMLEmail(); }
    public CaseHTMLEmailController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
        this.caseObj = (Case)stdController.getRecord();

    public String getFirstHTMLEmail() {
        EmailMessage firstEmail = [Select HtmlBody From EmailMessage where ParentId=:caseObj.Id order by LastModifiedDate desc limit 1];
        if (firstEmail!=null) {
            return firstEmail.HtmlBody;
        return '';

 Any suggestion would be great and helpful.


Thanking you in advance for your help.
