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Highlight Row in a pageblocktable when clicking on inputcheckbox



I have a pageblocktable with a column for a checkbox along with columns for data. Once the checkbox is clicked the entire row needs to be higlighted.I believe we we need to use Javascript here.Javascript along with an onselect attribute for the checkbox might be the answer.Unfortunately i have no idea in Javasript.Need help here!Thanks in advance


Do you want it to stay highlighted? Or should it swap in and out as the user clicks different checkboxes?


Once the checkbox is unchecked the highligting should be removed.



Try this:


Add this after your <apex:page tags :


<apex:includeScript value=""/>
    <apex:stylesheet value=""/>

        $j = jQuery.noConflict();

        function highlightElem(elem){

 and this to each pageblocktable tag that you want the highlighting to take effect:



1)I want the code to select the entire row just by checking the checkbox. 


2)The code above does not remove the highlighting once the checkbox is unchecked.




Changing the body of the script to this:


$j = jQuery.noConflict();

        function highlightElem(elem){

 and then the rowclick highlight tag into each collumn tag indivually may help or atleast get you close. That is pretty much the extent of my knowledge. Sorry mate.



Well it aint working. Anways thanks for spending time for me! :)