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Visualforce chart: <Apex:barSeries>, highlightColor is not working..

Hi ,



I am using a barseries in my page, and i want to reset the highlightColor and highlightStroke color of the bar.


I tried it with using the below syntax:


  <apex:barSeries orientation="vertical" axis="bottom" xField="month" yField="average" title="Avg SLA" highlight="true" highlightStroke="rgb(206,222,29)" highlightColor="rgb(206,222,29)" />


But it is not working,still it is using the default color.


Any one experienced the same problem? Please help me with this.. Urgent..




I see by definition - the doc says the color should be entered in HTML-style ( For example, #00F,#0F0,#F00
Can you please try specifying the color in this format and see if it works.





Even i tried with Hexadecimal values for color as below:

<apex:barSeries orientation="vertical" axis="bottom" xField="month" yField="average" title="Avg SLA" highlight="true" highlightLineWidth="1" highlightColor="#F00" highlightStroke="#F00"/>


 But it is not working.


I think as per the documentation of barSeries, we should give 'A string that specifies the HTML-style color' for highlightStroke and highlightColor properties. Not hexadecimal values as we give to ColorSet property.

But i don't know how to give string value for HTML style color. Even i tried with giving 'Red' And 'Orange' (String representation of color), but it is not working..


Can anyone help with me this..

Shiva Ramesh @ xcdhrShiva Ramesh @ xcdhr



You should use HTML color codes. USe following link:


you should give value like this 




I have already tried this, but it doesn't works.


 <apex:barSeries orientation="vertical" axis="bottom" xField="month" yField="average" title="Avg SLA" highlight="true" highlightLineWidth="1" highlightColor="#FF0000" highlightStroke="#FF0000"/>


Still it is taking the default color for highlight bar...(see the below snap shot)



any other way..???

Shiva Ramesh @ xcdhrShiva Ramesh @ xcdhr

Use colorset attribute

<apex:barSeries title="Data1" orientation="vertical" axis="right"  xField="name" yField="data1,data2,data3" colorSet="red">

I want to reset the highlight color of bar when we put mouse over it(i.e, highlightColor property), not the fill color of bars...


Shiva Ramesh @ xcdhrShiva Ramesh @ xcdhr

Could you please post your full page code

<apex:page controller="OppsChartController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
    <apex:sectionHeader title="Opportunity Analysis for 2011"/>
    <apex:chart height="380" width="700" data="{!oppDataWithMonthNames}" theme="Green">
        <apex:legend position="right"/>
        <apex:axis type="Numeric" position="left" fields="monthlyRev"
            title="Revenue ($)"/>
        <apex:axis type="Category" position="bottom" fields="month"
            title="Month of the Year">
            <apex:chartLabel rotate="315"/>
        <apex:barSeries title="Monthly Sales" orientation="vertical" axis="left"
            xField="month" yField="monthlyRev" highlight="true" highlightLineWidth="1" highlightColor="#5CB52F" highlightStroke="#FF0000">
            <apex:chartTips height="20" width="120"/>
        <apex:axis type="Numeric" position="right" fields="noOfClosedOpps"
            title="Opportunities Closed" grid="true"/>