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ideas . . .

What is the trick to integrating the Ideas module with your Sites website.

Ideas is active in my developer account. And I've checked the boxes I can for Ideas in the Sites profile area, but I'm not getting visibility to it.

So it must be something that I have to do in my developer account.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
You need to do the following:
1- Create a customer portal or PRM portal (this is enabled in the new Developer orgs)
2- Enable your idea community for that portal
3- Enable login for your site (site details > login settings > edit > select your active portal)
4- Assign the ideashome visualforce page as your site active home page (this is one of the sample pages created when you create your site)
5- Make sure your site has read access on the ideas object (site details > public access settings > edit > check read on ideas object, by default this should be checked)

These steps will let you to see the ideas via your site. However, in order to post an idea, comment on an idea, vote for an idea you need to be an authenticated user (so that system would avoid users voting for their own ideas)

The last step to complete the loop is the user registration piece. We provide out of the box sample visualforce pages and apex controllers for login, registration, reset password and change password.
For ideas registration use case, you need to update the SiteRegisterController and populate the account id with an account in your own org.

Ideas help has more information on this topic.

All Answers

You need to do the following:
1- Create a customer portal or PRM portal (this is enabled in the new Developer orgs)
2- Enable your idea community for that portal
3- Enable login for your site (site details > login settings > edit > select your active portal)
4- Assign the ideashome visualforce page as your site active home page (this is one of the sample pages created when you create your site)
5- Make sure your site has read access on the ideas object (site details > public access settings > edit > check read on ideas object, by default this should be checked)

These steps will let you to see the ideas via your site. However, in order to post an idea, comment on an idea, vote for an idea you need to be an authenticated user (so that system would avoid users voting for their own ideas)

The last step to complete the loop is the user registration piece. We provide out of the box sample visualforce pages and apex controllers for login, registration, reset password and change password.
For ideas registration use case, you need to update the SiteRegisterController and populate the account id with an account in your own org.

Ideas help has more information on this topic.
This was selected as the best answer
Great, thanks for that rundown. Helpful.

hi Bulent,


Sorry that my question is such a long time after this post was created, but I'd like some advice please, if you don't mind.


It's to do with updating the SiteRegisterController apex class, when setting up SF Ideas.


2 questions:


1. I cannot seem to find the line "private static PORTAL_ACCOUNT_ID = '<Account_ID>'  " in the IdeaSiteRegisterController apex class.  Appareently I need to change this ID to the Account Id for the account I have created for the ideas portal users.  Am I missing something obvious?


2. I also believe I cannto change this apex class code in production, but rather need to change it in a developer sandbox, and then deploy the class from the sandbox into production.  Is this correct?


Thanks for your time




the original class is SiteRegisterController seems like you have a modified version called IdeaSiteRegisterController.


The class ideaSiteRegisterContoller has come as part of the Ideas Base Theme (a set of components to get me started using Ideas).  I did check the SiteRegisterController apex class and the line is there to add the Account id.


Any thoughts on whether the Account id needs to be added to the ideasiteregistercontroller too?


Thanks again