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replacing " 9" logo . . .

Hi. I'd like to replace the " 9" logo above the tabs on our Sites site.

How do I do this?

I see how you can replace the logo in the SiteTemplate, but not on the default page.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
Correct, tabs won't be there by default. You will have the full control to build your custom header.

All Answers

I just reviewed how to replace the logo on a custom app. But I don't yet see how to access the "force.com9" logo in the same way.

Any pointers are appreciated.
Platform is the default application for Sites in the current release.
Next release you will be able to set a custom app as your default app via the public access settings page where you can change the logo for the custom app.
I assume that means there's no way to change the logo for the Platform app in the interim.
Correct. You can hide standard header and via the site template include your custom header with your custom logo at this point.
But can the SiteTemplate wrap the default app so that the tabs are exposed and so forth?
Correct, tabs won't be there by default. You will have the full control to build your custom header.
This was selected as the best answer