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When will the REST API be more complete? (so we can abandon SOAP)

When glancing at the old-school SOAP API documentation,
I see some some calls that don't immediately seem reflected in the REST API.

I am wondering if/when this functionality will eventually be added to the REST API?

Examples include:
      convertLead, getDeleted, getUpdated, merge, sendEmail, upsert


thanks in advance,

  David Jones, PhD



upsert will be part of the GA release, the rest are on a wait and see approach, the goal was never to fully replace the soap api, but to make it easier to do the 80% common cases.


It seems kind of wonky if a developer needs to mix-and-match a new-style REST API and an old-school SOAP API to get the job done.


-- David



As Simon said, we're looking to see what features from SOAP are most-requested.  I'd encourage you to file an idea on the idea exchange for the parts of the SOAP API that you'd like to see in REST.


Rather than requiring customers to ask, pretty please, for incremental changes to the REST API,

how about the architects and engineers and other experts inside Salesforce provide a complete REST API solution?


I mean, I can understand prioritizing some functionality because it is in high demand,

but you are just going to lose "developer mindshare" if your REST API is incomplete.

Many will simply choose not to use the API if it doesn't satisfy their needs.

Only a minority will be bold enough and confident enough to post ideas with some expectation they will be implemented some time soon.







Thanks for your comments.


From day one our goal was not to replace the SOAP API, and not provide a 1-1 parity. Having said that, we do want to make the REST API as useful as possible to developers.


Please feel free to share your ideas as to what is missing, if you prefer email me at: atoussaint at salesforce dot com


Thanks again,

