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Chatter Feed Item REST API call fails frequently with (503) Server Unavailable

This is an intermittent problem but occurs more frequently now...


I am making calls to Chatter REST API to obtain feed items


and passing the OAuth access token in the HTTP header.  When the token is null I obtain a new access token.


The call to obtain a new access token always seems to work, but the subsequent call to get the feed items frequently fails with the (503) Server Unavailable message.


Why would the call fail intermittently?


Can you detail how exactly you obtain a new access token? Are you using the OAuth refresh flow?


Probably the easiest way to confirm that we're following the OAuth refresh flow is with the code.  I included most everything except the Post() function that we call in a class called HttpTools.


We pass a rest url into the first function below, such as:


The refresh token, client (consumer) id, client secret are in .config file and moved into the appropriate variables a ways down in RefreshAccessToken(). 


The refresh url, also used in RefreshAccessToken(), is:


       private string get(string url)
            string response;

            // if access token not yet initialized, do so now
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msAccessToken))
            response = makeCall(url);

            // if exception or unauthorized, refresh access code and try again
            if (response == string.Empty)
                return response;

            response = makeCall(url);

            if (response == string.Empty)
                throw new ChatterAuthorizationException("Access Token Failure");
                return response;

        private string makeCall(string url)
                HttpTools httpTools = new HttpTools();
                httpTools.Headers.Add("Authorization: OAuth " + msAccessToken);
                string response = httpTools.Get(url, string.Empty);

                return httpTools.LastResponseCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized ? string.Empty : response;
                return string.Empty;

        public void RefreshAccessToken()
            var httpTools = new HttpTools();
            NameValueCollection form = new NameValueCollection();
            form.Add("grant_type", "refresh_token");
            form.Add("refresh_token", msRefreshToken);

            string url = msRefreshUrl;
            string response = httpTools.Post(url, form);
            JObject responseJson = JObject.Parse(response);
        // get new access token and refresh instance url
            msAccessToken = responseJson["access_token"].ToText();
            msInstanceUrl = responseJson["instance_url"].ToText();
            AccessTokenHasBeenRefreshed = true;

        public string Get(string url, string queryString)
            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            req.Method = "GET";

            if (Headers != null && Headers.Count > 0)
                foreach (string header in Headers)
            HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();

            LastResponseCode = resp.StatusCode;
            return ReadResponseStream(resp);

Thomas CookThomas Cook

Off the top of my head, I can only think of one case where a 503 is issued and that is when you've run into the hourly rate limit. The current limit is 200 requests/OAuth consumer/user/hour. Is it possible that this has nothing to do with a token refresh and you're just hitting the rate limit? That might also explain why this seems worse lately -- if you're doing more stuff you might be using up your rate limit quicker.


Thanks, it is very possible that we are hitting that limit while testing.  I will keep it in mind.