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Anil MeghnathiAnil Meghnathi 

Restrict user in chatter from posting link for adult youtube video

Ho i can restrict user in chatter from posting link for adult youtube video?


Any idea??




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

 i am also wondering for that but i have notice the functionality of youtube link,


see there is unique ID for each video in youtube i.e., v=ABCXYZ.


so is there any api to filter that video link to restrict to post on chatter??




All Answers

Jia HuJia Hu
You have to create two triggers on FeedItem and FeedComment each, to filter each post,...

see the example
Recipe 11: Monitor specific keywords on an entity feed
Anil MeghnathiAnil Meghnathi
trigger CheckChatterPostsOnOpportunity on FeedItem (before insert) {
02    //Get the key prefix for the Opportunity object via a describe call.
03    String oppKeyPrefix = Opportunity.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();
05    for (FeedItem f:
06    {
07        String parentId = f.parentId;
08        //We compare the start of the 'parentID' field to the Opportunity key prefix to
09        //restrict the trigger to act on posts made to the Opportunity object.
10        if (parentId.startsWith(oppKeyPrefix) &&
11            f.Body == '!close')
12        {           
13            //Add business logic here
14        }
15    }


This is good.we can monitor keywords of feeditem but how i can come to know that this link is for adult video.Because from only text of link its difficult to decide whether it is link for adult video or not?

If you have any ideo please share with me. Thanks




 i am also wondering for that but i have notice the functionality of youtube link,


see there is unique ID for each video in youtube i.e., v=ABCXYZ.


so is there any api to filter that video link to restrict to post on chatter??




This was selected as the best answer