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Sites Pricing

I apologize if this has been asked before, I am yet to find an explicit answer to this question.


My (non-profit) organization uses Salesforce Enterprise Edition.  Is there an additional any cost to use sites (assuming we stay within the "Enterprise Edition" limits, given in the user's guide)?  Any site we create would be public (no customer portal).



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

sites is included in the following editions with free monthly page views:


1- Free edition - 250,000 free page views/month 

2- Enterprise edition - 500,000 free page views/month 

3- Unlimited  edition - 1,000,000 free page views/month


if you need more page views you can purchase additional 1,000,000 page views/month 



All Answers


sites is included in the following editions with free monthly page views:


1- Free edition - 250,000 free page views/month 

2- Enterprise edition - 500,000 free page views/month 

3- Unlimited  edition - 1,000,000 free page views/month


if you need more page views you can purchase additional 1,000,000 page views/month 



This was selected as the best answer

What is the cost of 1,000,000 page views/month?

Also is there any charge on the amount of data saved?

How much are you allowed at Enterprise Edition and what is the cost of purchasing more space?



You can find the edition comparison chart here. It shows out of the box allowed page views and storage for editions. 




  Thanks for the reply.  I was hoping to use the " sites" as PaaS.


  I was hoping to build an e-Commerce website using this platform.

  Additionally, becuase it is a web-site I assumed I would not need to pay for each user since a certain amount of pageviews are included.


  But the allowance of only 20MB/user (Enterprise Edition) doesn't seem fair.

  I am not expecting much traffic, but just to build the Database of products it will easily be a minimum of 10GB (approximate).


  I saw that there is an option to buy additional storage, but some of the stuff I read shows the price at something like $1500/year for 500MB.  Is this true?



The default minimum storage amount is 1GB of data and 1GB of files.

Each additional user provides additional storage:

  • Enterprise Editions provide 20MB of data and 100MB of file storage/user.
  • Unlimited Edition provides 120MB of data and 100MB of file storage/user. 

You might want to call 1-800-NO-SOFTWARE for storage pricing

Please help me :


I want subscribe for Light ( 10$/PM/USER)  for my new website development (PAAS). I have some questions.


1) What is limit on portal users? my site will have userauthentications. ( what is difference between High Volume Customer Vs Authenticated websites)?


2) Total how much storage, i get with this license. ( file and data both).


3) Number of page views.


I have written to SFDC support on this, but didnt get my answers. They search documents in google and forwards links which we already have.



Hi @bulent,

Do you know what is the actual price for additional page views on sites?

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sites is included in the following editions with free monthly page views:
1- Free edition - 250,000 free page views/month 
2- Enterprise edition - 500,000 free page views/month 
3- Unlimited  edition - 1,000,000 free page views/month
if you need more page views you can purchase additional 1,000,000 page views/month
---------- o ----------

Thank you in advance