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Problem with Whatid in Timeline S-Control Mashup

I am trying to display tasks and events using the Timeline S-Control Mashup for a custom object.  In this example called projects1.  I took out all the code for the opportunities, cases etc as I dont wish to use those features.  The issue is, I cant get the tasks or events to appear on the timeline.  I assume it is because I need to set the whatid, however I dont know where to put it.  I THINK the what ID is the 3 letters in the link example a01.  Can someone help me identify what the whatid is and where it goes in the script?
Here is the script that I have edited so far:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
 <link  href="/dCSS/Theme2/default/common.css" type="text/css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" >

<!-- Include the MIT timeline library and CSS-->

<!-- Apex AJAX connection library change-->
<script src="/soap/ajax/8.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var theTimeLine; var eventSource;
var baseURL = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname;
var isProject = new Boolean("{!$Request.eid}" == "{!Project1__c.Id}");
// see what tab we are called from
function validId(id) { return ("{!$Request.eid}" != null && "{!$Request.eid}" != "" && "{!$Request.eid}" === id); }

var hasActivities = new Boolean( isProject == true );
function _WhatId() { 
 if (isProject == true)  return "{!Select p.Id from Project1__c p}";
 return null;
var WhatId = _WhatId(); 

 * load the timeline UI, then query for events to add
 * all the events are added async to give a quicker load
function initPage() {
 //build the timeline widget
 eventSource = new Timeline.DefaultEventSource();
 var theme = Timeline.ClassicTheme.create();
 theme.event.label.width = 300; // px  this will truncate the labels that appear on the timline
 //theme.event.bubble.width = 250;
 //theme.event.bubble.height = 200;
 // set up the bands of info in the display
 var bandInfos = [
   eventSource: eventSource, date: Date(),
   width: "80%",    intervalUnit: Timeline.DateTime.MONTH,
   intervalPixels: 100,  theme: theme
   showEventText: false,
   trackHeight: 0.5,   trackGap: 0.2,
   eventSource: eventSource, date: Date(),
   width: "20%",    intervalUnit: Timeline.DateTime.YEAR,
   intervalPixels: 200
 bandInfos[1].syncWith = 0;
 bandInfos[1].highlight = true;
 theTimeLine = Timeline.create(document.getElementById("my-timeline"), bandInfos);
  * begin DATA queries
  * each query kicks off an async callback to plot/load the results, does not wait for all before drawing.
  * more can be added to support custom objects, to support custom objects, test for merge fields  
  * decide what related records have dates, and create a layout callback for each.
  * this can also be used to support one scontrol on many different object page layouts
  * so, contact, opportunity, account or case can all run from this one scontrol
  * we do assume it is an inline scontrol 
 if ( hasActivities == true && WhatId != null ) {
  //get all tasks related to this object ( must have a WhatId)
   "Select Id,Subject,Status,ActivityDate,Description,CreatedDate,Owner.FirstName,Owner.LastName, Who.FirstName, Who.LastName from Task where WhatId='"+ WhatId +"'", 
  // events
   "Select Id, Subject, Location, ActivityDateTime,ActivityDate, IsAllDayEvent, DurationInMinutes, Description, Owner.FirstName,Owner.LastName, Who.FirstName, Who.LastName from Event where WhatId='"+ WhatId + "' order by ActivityDate",
 * layout callbacks, gets a list of query results, formats a timeline entry and bubble contents
 * when constructing array of objects to add via loadJSON, the following are available
 * { start: 
  link:  'parent:link...'
  latestStart: null,
  earliestEnd: null,
  isDuration: false,
  image: img,
  icon: img,
  color: "#999",
  textColor: null,
  onclick: "javascript:..."
 Note, for IE and IE7 the last data element must not have a comma following it

function layoutTasks(qr) { layoutActivity(qr, "/img/icon/tasks16.png"); }
function layoutEvents(qr) { layoutActivity(qr, "/img/icon/calendar16.png"); }
function layoutTasksWhat(qr) { layoutActivityWhat(qr, "/img/icon/tasks16.png"); }
function layoutEventsWhat(qr) { layoutActivityWhat(qr, "/img/icon/calendar16.png"); }

// activities may have duplicates on an account for example, keep a list to avoid 
var seen = [];
// this callback loads tasks into the timeline
function layoutActivityWhat(qr,img) {
 loadJSON ( map ( qr.getArray('records'), function(rec,idx,ary) { 
  if ( seen[rec.Id] ) { return null; } else { seen[rec.Id] = rec.Id;}
  var stdate = rec.getDate('ActivityDate');
  if (!stdate) { stdate = rec.getDateTime('CreatedDate'); }
  return {
   start: stdate,
   title: rec.Subject + (rec.What && rec.What.Name — ', '+rec.What.Name : ''),
   link: 'parent:/' + rec.Id, 
   description: 'description: ' + (rec.Description – rec.Description:'') + 
     (rec.Who && rec.Who.FirstName && rec.Who.LastName ˜
      '<br>contact: ' + rec.Who.FirstName + ' '+rec.Who.LastName : '') +
      "<br>assigned to: " + rec.Owner.FirstName + " " + rec.Owner.LastName,
   image: img,
   icon: img,
   color: "#999" }
 } ) );

// this callback loads tasks into the timeline
function layoutActivity(qr,img) {
 loadJSON ( map ( qr.getArray('records'), function(rec,idx,ary) { 
  if ( seen[rec.Id] ) { return null; } else { seen[rec.Id] = rec.Id;}
  var stdate = rec.getDate('ActivityDate');
  if (!stdate) { stdate = rec.getDateTime('CreatedDate'); }
  return {
   start: stdate,
   title: rec.Subject + (rec.Who && rec.Who.FirstName && rec.Who.LastName ™
         ', '+rec.Who.FirstName + ' '+rec.Who.LastName : ''),
   link: 'parent:/' + rec.Id, 
   description: 'description: ' + (rec.Description ? rec.Description:'') + 
     (rec.Who && rec.Who.FirstName && rec.Who.LastName ?
      '<br>contact: ' + rec.Who.FirstName + ' '+rec.Who.LastName : '') +
      "<br>assigned to: " + rec.Owner.FirstName + " " + rec.Owner.LastName,
   image: img,
   icon: img,
   color: "#999" };
 } ) );

// some helper functions
// take an array of events, load them into a data object and pass to loadJSON 
function loadJSON (events) { 
 if (!events || events.length <1) return; 
 var data = {}; = events; 
 eventSource.loadJSON(data,baseURL); // eventSource is part of the Timeline API
// call a function on each member of the array, return an array 
// of the results of the callbacks
function map(anArray /* Array */, callback /* Function */){
 var outArr = [];
 for(var i=0,l=anArray.length; i<l; i++){ 
  var topush = callback(anArray[i], i, anArray);
  if (topush != null) {
   outArr.push( topush );
 return outArr;

 * function onResize()
 * If the page is resized, the timeline is resized to match
 * this waits for resize to finish 1/2 second
var resizeTimerID = null; 
function onResize() {
 if (resizeTimerID == null) {
  resizeTimerID = window.setTimeout( function() { resizeTimerID = null; theTimeLine.layout();}, 500 );

</script> <!--  main functions -->
<body onload="javascript:initPage();" onresize="javascript:onResize();" >
<div id="my-timeline" style="height:300px; border: 1px solid #aaa"></div>

Ron HessRon Hess
you can't put a select inside another select so your code looks like this ( to me) Code:
WhatID = '{!Select p.Id from Project1__c p}'

"Select ... from Task where WhatId='"+ WhatId +"'",

which is 

"Select ... from Task where WhatId='{!Select p.Id from Project1__c p}'", 

call it a limitation of SOQL, you cannot nest select like this.
rather i think you want the simpler:

WhatId = '{!Project1__c.Id}';

Message Edited by Ron Hess on 05-06-2007 09:41 AM