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Display visualforce text after every step of workflow on same VF page

Hello Everyone


I have created a VF workflow. And connected it to an visualforce page. 

Step 1 user chooses Account.

Step 2 user chooses/ creates contact 

step 3 ....


now What I am trying to achive is display in the seperate <div> in the lower section of the screen what the user has selected so far.

Like You selected account : XYZ

         You selected contact : PQR


but I want this text to appear dynamically as per the flow of the steps


How can I do it.

Thanks in advance for your help.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Store what you want to show in a variable in flow - make it Output only. For this sample say you have 2 variables vaAccountInfo and vaContactInfo which have the text you want to display stored as the flow progresses..


In your VF page do something like this:

<apex:page controller="MyFlowController">

<flow:interview name="MyFlow" interview="{!aFlow}" rerender="showOutput"/>


<apex:outputPanel id="showOutput">






Your controller is something like this:

public class myFlowController {


public Flow.Interview.MyFlow aFlow {get; set;}


public String getShowAccount() {

 if (aFlow==null) return null;

else return aFlow.vaAccountInfo;



public String getShowContact() {

 if (aFlow==null) return null;

else return aFlow.vaContactInfo;






Hope this helps..


All Answers


Store what you want to show in a variable in flow - make it Output only. For this sample say you have 2 variables vaAccountInfo and vaContactInfo which have the text you want to display stored as the flow progresses..


In your VF page do something like this:

<apex:page controller="MyFlowController">

<flow:interview name="MyFlow" interview="{!aFlow}" rerender="showOutput"/>


<apex:outputPanel id="showOutput">






Your controller is something like this:

public class myFlowController {


public Flow.Interview.MyFlow aFlow {get; set;}


public String getShowAccount() {

 if (aFlow==null) return null;

else return aFlow.vaAccountInfo;



public String getShowContact() {

 if (aFlow==null) return null;

else return aFlow.vaContactInfo;






Hope this helps..


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for reposne !!


My probblem with this approach is 

even though myflow  == NULL

it is displaying the value of vaAccountInfo


 public Flow.interview.CDP_Flow myflow { get; set; }


public String getAccountInfo() {
if (myFlow==null) return null;
else return myflow.vaAccountInfo;




like You selected account {141002dd7b50793894476c7273d2139fe2d83ea-7101} 


Please let me know what can be wrong.



Hello All,


Sorry it was my mistake I initialsed the vaAcountInfo variable with something that was the problem.


Thanks @Rajaram  for helping on this one.


Also  thanks for posting code on git. sharing the link for everyone else