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Making a field "uneditable"

Hi All,


Is there a way to lock a field once a user populates it?  We have a date field that we use for forecasting, and once a rep commits a date to that field, we want to lock it from being "adjusted" that possible?




Yoel GluckYoel Gluck

There is no built in condition for providing a create perm but not update on a per field basis. The options you have are:

  1. Mark the date field FLS as read-only, remove the field from the edit page layout, and embed a VF page into that layout that uses a controller to enforce the write perm based on your needs.
  2. Use a trigger to make sure you can only change the date from NULL to another value, but if it is not NULL you can't change it.


Yoel Gluck

Product Security Team @


Thanks Yoel.  As I am fairly new to being our admin, do you have a suggestion on how I could write that trigger, as option #1 is way beyond my experience?  Thanks again for the help!

Yoel GluckYoel Gluck

Here is an example trigger: (It will allow setting the date assuming the date was not set previously. In addition you could set the object to not allow a null value on the date field if you want the users to have to set the date when they create the record)



trigger myTriggerName on MyObjectName__c (before update) {
    // Iterate over the new objects before they are updated in the db.
    for (MyObjectName__c newObj : {
        // get the corresponding current object and compare the current date value to the new date value
        MyObjectName__c oldObj = Trigger.oldMap.get(;
        if (oldObj.MyDate__c != null && oldObj.MyDate__c != newObj.MyDate__c) {
            newObj.addError('Can\'t update the date field');




Yoel Gluck

Product Security Team @