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Use of sforce.connection.retrieve

Hi All. I would like to know where does "sforce.connection.retrieve" gets the values from?
Is this value retrieved from the excel - connector?
The reason behind this is I have an s-control that checks whether two values are equal and update if they are not equal.
One of these value is the one retrieved using "sforce.connection.retrieve".
So, need to update the value.
It would be much helpful if I can get inputs from anyone. Below is the sample code.
var accrecord = sforce.connection.retrieve("BillingCity,BillingCountry,BillingState,BillingStreet,BillingPostalCode,ShippingCity,ShippingCountry,ShippingState,ShippingStreet, ShippingPostalCode", "Account",[rfqaccId])[0];


Retrieve gets its values from same as any of the other query functions.  The Excel connector has nothing to do with it.

result = sforce.connection.retrieve("Name,Phone", "Account", ['0013000000GmQId']);

will give you the exact same results as

result = sforce.connection.query("Select Name,Phone From Account Where Id='0013000000GmQId'");

Thanks for the update!

Can you please tel me how to update the value of a single record using s-control.?

For Eg: I want to update the address for the record ID ' 005864'

See the update examples on this page:

Which is from the AJAX Toolkit Developer's Guide.