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Creating an S-Control for loging a specific type of activity


I am VERY new at the programming side of SFDC.  I need to create a new button on the Task area that reads "New Note."  We have to be able to report on our note/history and so as an organization we have to log our notes under Activities. 

What I would like this button to do, is open an activity and also pre-populate the subject line, with "Case/Note History."

Also, is there a way to program the button so only certain feilds are available in the screen and feilds are pre-populated? Meaning, the only items availalbe in the task screen for this button would be:
  • Assigned To:
  • Subject: Programmed to say: "Case Note/History"
  • Due Date (today) 
  • Related To
  • Name:
  • Status: Programmed to be: Completed
  • Priority
  • Comments:

Essentially it would be very similiar to the "Log A Call" but it wouldnt include the area to create a follow up task.

We have a lot more fields that are include in the Task/Activity form because we track various items in this list, so if the fields could be minimized based off the behaviour of the button, it would be less of a process nightmare.  I know the above isnt so basic, but thought i would put it out there to see if it is possible, and then if you had any suggestions for programming it.

Thank you,
You can create a custom link to pre-populate fields, but the easiest way to "limit" the number of available fields is to create a new activity record type ( Setup > App Setup > Activities > Task Record Types ) and a corresponding page layout.
Once you have created your new record type, you'll be able to set default values for your picklists.
To prepopulate the Due Date, create a custom link and append &tsk4={!TODAY()} to the end of the url.
For detailed instructions on creating the custom link, view the salesforce solution entitled: How to creat a Task from a Contact and populate Account field using a Custom Link? in the help section
Great thanks!  I have professional edition, am I able to do that in this edition?  I'm not finding that menu option...
Ok, i think I figured out how to create a new type.  My question now comes from the following:

"and a corresponding page layout."  How do I create a custom layout based upon the type chosen?  I've read some message boards to try and get further understanding of this, but it doesnt seemed to be developed yet:

I may just be misunderstanding what you are saying though.


I just checked the features chart and it looks like Professional Edition doesn't have Custom Page Layouts. :(