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Can the SOAP API, via a service/web reference monitor a call center & calls made ?

Regarding integrating a Web Service:

I'm writing an app that needs to communicate with a Salesforce call center to monitor calls being made from the users dialpad, which I in turn will sim-ring with the users desktop phone. So in essance, I need to listen for dial-pad calls of any user I have access to, and know when calls are being initiated, and the number they are calling.

At first I was looking at the CTI Toolkit adapter as the only means to communicate with a Salesforce call centre, but if I can do it through a Service or Web Reference API, then that would be ideal. All Salesforce users who use a call center (dial pad) have to have the adapter installed anyway from my understanding, so for my development efforts I would also have to have the adapter installed on my development boxand try to interface with it...blah blah blah.

If I can just use a service/web reference directly within my C# windows app, then that woule be ideal.

Can the SOAP API, via a service/web reference monitor and track the Salesforce call center, and it's dialpad made available to all users of it ?


(Salesforce Newbie)