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Redirecting to specific chatter feed-item

Greetings, I'm wondering if someone can explain how this works. I'm calling feed-items from a specific group and I'd like to redirect the user of the app I'm building to the specific group page or feed-item page (if there is one for individual feed items).


I get things back like   "url" : "/services/data/v23.0/chatter/feed-items/0D5C0000017QoVpKAK", but I'm not sure how to format that so it loads the chatter site for the user. Obviously using the instance_url and then that url section doesn't work, but I'm hoping the feed-item ID can be used or something.. Just ignorant of the format to use.


Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



You can redirect to chatter feed by using the chatter feed id, the URL will be like


Please make sure that you do not hardcode the instance in the URL but instead get the instance dynamically -


Hope this helps!