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Chamil MadusankaChamil Madusanka 

deploy profiles from a sandbox to production

Hi All,

What is the best way to deploy profiles from a sandbox to production, when the profiles in production changed since the last refresh & profiles in sandbox gained additional settings since the refresh?

How to 'add up' to prod without overwriting the existing settings?

Thanks in Advance



Pushing a profile from Sandbox to Production can be done. It is not possible to push through the Deployment Manager in Salesforce. The inbound/outbound change sets is still new and fairly limited. The meta-data for Profiles can be brought in using the Salesforce IDE. It is important that you bring down all elements that are included in the profile that you are pushing.


Download and Install Eclipse IDE for Salesforce.

After setting up the IDE, create a "New Project" (File->New-> Project

Give your project a name and description; enter your credentials to your sandbox.

When asked to select the metadata components, select the option for "Selected Metadata components" and click choose.

For ease of use, choose "Select All". This will bring down all metadata and may take some time to complete depending on the size of your org.

Click, "Ok" then "Finish"

You should now have all the elements that you need to deploy your profiles to production. You may do so by clicking on the profiles folder under the project to select it.

Once selected right click and select in the menu ">Deploy to Server"

Enter the proper credentials for your Production Environment and select the desired profiles from the menu.


Did this answer your question? If not, let me know what didn't work, or if so, please mark it solved. 

Nazeer AhamedNazeer Ahamed

I always had problem in profile migration, based on the number of chnages in place I always go for manually updating in profile in production. As profile migration has lot of dependancies.




I have a profile in Sandbox and Prod, I update some permissions in sandbox and deploy to prod successfully, but the changes are not reflected in production, do you get it work in yours?




I am new to salesforce. Could please clarify, How many ways we can deploy profile and roles from one environment to another environment. 




SFDC developer