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Customer portal users see all cases



I'm setting up a Customer Community for my clients to access my instance of salesforce to open and track their own Cases.  I went through he setup steps outlined to enable users and was in the process of testing the visibility of community users to their cases (where they are the contact on the case) and discovered that while logged in as a community user I can see all cases, and can open the records.


Is there a permission setting for Customer Community I am missing?




Please check Org Wide Settings (OWD) for Cases, is that Public Read/Write? Stup|Administration setup|Security Controls|Sharing setting|OWD


If yes then change it to private and share cases with community user with sharing Rules.



Sailappa VigneshSailappa Vignesh

Hi Klocwork,



Please check your OWD setting for case is private.


Yourname->Setup->Administration Setup->Security Controls->sharing setting->edit


The change case to private

Thanks @Vinta_SFDC - I went ahead with your solution and still am not getting the behaviour I would like. I n trying to explain what I am seeing I thought it might be easier to share using a quick screen capture with explanation. Could you take a quick look at this recording and let me know what you might suggest? Thanks so much!





Thank you for elaborating, i got your requirement. You wish to share Cases owned by community users and cases assigned to contacts who has similar names as community users.


Unfortunately this can not be achieved with sharing rules, reason being we can only make sharing rules on the basis of Case owner and in criteria based rules there is nothing by which we can identify if the community user is case contact.


I would suggest you to take help of Apex sharing and in Apex check if case contact name matches with any of the community user. If yes then share cases of that contact with the respective community user.



With the Spring '14 release, this is now possible:
Hughbert StrongHughbert Strong
  • Search and Click on Communities Settings
  • Click New on Sharing Sets
  • Select the Profile and Case Object
  • Click on the Sharing Set Rule
  • Click Edit on Access Granted
  • Select Contact.Account on Grant access where User
  • Select Contact.Account on Matches Target Case
  • Select Read/Write on Matches Access Level
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Archana Singh ChauhanArchana Singh Chauhan
Hi Team,

The OWD for contacts is private. How should I set up my sharing set so that my community users can see all the contacts in the same account?
This is very urgent. If possible, please respond ASAP.

Jorge Ponce 9Jorge Ponce 9
Hello Archana

Did this ever get resovled.  I have the same question of how to set my sharing sets to allow all the contacts from an account to view all cases.  Please let me know if you resolved this.  

Claudius Marcus C. BandClaudius Marcus C. Band
I solved it making the settings as mentioned above in Setup > Feature Settings > Digital Experiences > Settings
At the end of the page you find additional sharing sets, they're additional to the org-wide Sharing Settings.

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Claudius Marcus C. BandClaudius Marcus C. Band
Redefined it, because if the contact in the case is not directly connected to the Account in the case, you wont see the case in the community.

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