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Where is IdP Initiated URL for Connected Apps

Since Winter 14, Service Providers can no longer be added via the Identity Provider page. We need to add them under Connected Apps.


However, till Summer 13, we could get the Idp Initiated URL from the Service Provider setting ( However, this is not visible after the move to using Connected Apps.


Where do I get it? The help document above has not been updated either.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



You'll find the URLs at Setup | Manage Apps | Connected Apps

All Answers




You'll find the URLs at Setup | Manage Apps | Connected Apps

This was selected as the best answer
Hi Vinita,

I'm getting 'insufficient priviledges' when I try to click the IdP URL as System Admin. The profile has been added to the Connected App.

Also, why is the IdP setup page still showing 'No Service Providers' ? Is this is a known issue?
The insufficient priviledges was due to an error in a formula field that was used as the Subject.

However, the 'No Service Proviers' still exists...