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Downloading a document using Rest API



I want to download a word document stored on Box( External Storage) into my system using Rest API calls 


before downloading i need to decode the document as its uploaded using base 64 Encoding Util class 


but when i decode it back it gives me Blob[0]  , Perhaps its not getting decoded 

Can someone help me on this ?


I am using below code :


 private String downloadFile(){
        system.debug('Call DownloadFile');
        Blob body;
        String sFilename='';
        Http h = new Http();
        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
       string endPointValue = '';
        req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken);
        System.debug('req  '+req);
        HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
        system.debug('res '+res);
        // if(!Test.isRunningTest()){
         system.debug('Body '+res.getBody());

         system.debug('-get headers---'+res.getHeader('Location'));
          body= Encodingutil.base64Decode(res.getBody());
          system.debug('Body Decoded '+body);
             return res.getHeader('Location')+'';
          } else {
          return '';




hi Vinita


I guess you are telling about Upload .


I have already uploaded the document using  base64Encode(Blob) 


Now i want to decode and download the same document  


I am trying to decode like this :    


  HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
        system.debug('res '+res);
        // if(!Test.isRunningTest()){
         system.debug('Body '+res.getBody());

         system.debug('-get headers---'+res.getHeader('Location'));
          body= Encodingutil.base64Decode(res.getBody());
          system.debug('Body Decoded '+body);


but the response body is blank , not sure why ? 

can anyone help ?



So for header are getting reponse, is that not blank?  Try converting blob to string:

 String bodyString = body.toString();