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create task on click of custom button error

I receive following error on click of a custom button


missing;before statement



the custom button is created for creating a task automatically using the foll Javascript code:


{!REQUIRESCRIPT("("/soap/ajax/17.0/connection.js")} var t1= new sforce.SObject("Task"); t1.Assigned To = ""; t1.Subject = "ABC283"; t1.Name = "abcd"; t1.Status = "Not Started"; t1.Priority = "Normal";result = sforce.connection.create([t1]);

Anand SinghAnand Singh
The code should look like this: {!REQUIRESCRIPT("("/soap/ajax/17.0/connection.js" )} var t1= new sforce.SObject("Task" ); t1.OwnerId = "SFDC ID of User with email "; //instead of using label "Assigned To", use field API name called "OwnerId" t1.Subject = "ABC283"; t1.Name = "abcd"; t1.Status = "Not Started"; t1.Priority = "Normal"; result = sforce.connection.create([t1]); Hope this resolves the issue.