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js and style sheets to include in scontrol

Aside from connection.js, what javascript utility files are useful to use in s-controls?  Is there any documentation of these files (e.g. js/functions.js)?  Which js files are guaranteed not to change (or can we include specific versions) so that my app won't break if they are modified?

Similar idea for style sheets...which ones should I be using?  Or is there a document that covers getting the Salesforce look and feel in an s-control
From time to time I will analyze a salesforce page and check out the js files they include, then if need be copy some of their included functions and add them to my own code...  this way they are sure not to break when salesforce modifies their files.
With respect to css files, I've noticed that pretty much all salesforce pages include the 4 files below.  It would be cool if there were a guide to applying them, but I pretty much just do a lot of "view source"-ing to figure out what class names to use on what elements to make my pages look like theirs.
<link  href="/dCSS/Theme2/default/common.css" type="text/css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" >
<link  href="/dCSS/Theme2/default/custom.css" type="text/css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" >
<link  href="/dCSS/Theme2/default/setup.css" type="text/css" media="handheld,print,projection,screen,tty,tv" rel="stylesheet" >
<link  href="/css/assistive.css" type="text/css" media="aural,braille,embossed" rel="stylesheet" >