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java devjava dev 

Want to update

Hi all,
    Salesforce has opportunity & opportunity products. When i update opportunity products, the lastmodifiedate of opportunity also getting modified.

I have two objects ,quotes & quote lines. Quote lines has master-detail relationship with quotes. A quote may have one or more quote lines. So when i updating quote lines, lastmodifieddate field of quotes is not getting modified.
I want it to be modified same as how salesforce is doing with opportunity & opportunity products.

Can any body suggest how to implement this.Hope i will get response very soon.

Thank you,
Sudheer Tumu.
Greg HGreg H
In order to change the lastModifiedDate on a record you have to update that record.  In your case you should just write an scontrol to re-save the quote record when you save the related quote-line record.
java devjava dev

Hi Greg,


Thanks fro u r response. You told me to wite an s-control. But the users use Edit button of salesforce to edit the POLINES. I think we can not write s-controls for salesforce buttons.

Can you suggest me what to do ?


Thank you,

Sudheer Tumu.