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Changing Account Owner

I recently did a bulk import of contacts. I had assigned all of these to the supervisor Sylvia, however, when I run a contact report, I can see that several of these newly created contacts have Sylvia as the Contact Owner, but the Account is actually owned by Mark.
What I would like to do is fix this using Exel, however, when I download these contacts, the Account Owner field is not present. Why would it be present in a report, but not present in downloaded info in Excel. Is there some other way I could accomplish this?
In Salesforce, I would need to manually re-assign each and every one back to the proper account owner.

If I understand you correctly you need to change the account owner to Mark for all of the accounts that were added with Sylvia as the contact owner. 

To answer you question of why it is available in a report but not in the excel is that the report queries multiple tables while the excel connector only does one table at a time.  You can do a join of sort.  Go here to find the details on how:

If these are all new accounts as well that were added all is not lost though.  You could get at the account information by creating a excel query where the created date equaled the date in which you did the bulk import.  This may provide you with the accounts you are looking for.  If not try the join methods shown in the above link.

Run a report in sfdc looking for Contacts owned by Sylvia and Accounts owned by Mark.  Make sure you include the "Contact ID" field in the report.  The report should return all contacts incorrectly assigned to Sylvia.  Export the report to Excel and then copy all the Contact ID's.
Launch the Excel Connector, select the Contacts object and the Contact ID field and the Owner ID field.  Paste the copied Contact ID's in the Contact ID column, insert Mark's name in the Owner ID column. Select all cells with Mark's name in them and then click on the "Update Selected Cells" option from the Excel Connector menu.  Mark's name will have to be spelled exactly as it is in sfdc.  If you have problems, use his sfdc 15 digit id code instead.
hope this helps.

With QueryAmp, you can download the account id, account owner, contact Id and contact owner with one query.  Then filter the returned list to show where the account owner does not equal the contact owner.

Then you can easily change the owner id to the proper value.

Yes Thank you Bill. I did just that with the evaluation of Query Amp and will be looking into purchasing that as there are a lot of other things I understand we will be able to do with it. Cheers.