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ExceptionCode : 5069

I've been using the Excel connector for quite a bit now, but now i need to connect to another database and i'm getting this error and is not letting me connect. I still can connect to my original database.
Error -> Error Generated by Request::API is not enabled for this Organization or Partner ExceptionCode : 5069
Can anyone tell me how to fix this or pint me in the right direction to solve this problem.
thanks in advance for your help.
I just installed Excel Connector PE and I'm getting the same error when trying to log in. Any ideas as to why?

I had this problem once with another company and the solution was that they didn't installed the Outlook Connector.

One of the conditions to using the connector is to have installed the Outlook Connector.

Perhaps it will be a solution for you guys as well

I also am getting the same error. I have been using excel connector for years without problems with Professional Edition, but had to re-install when getting a new machine. When I contact salesforce for support, I am told that I need to 'speak with a salesperson' instead of support.