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how to execute trigger one simulatneously


I have two trigger on one object RFP__c.
First trigger which will update values on picklist.Second Trigger will execute based on updated picklist value.
These two trigger works independently.Any idea how to execute together.

Best Answer chosen by amrit
The only way is to combine the code of the two triggers into a single trigger.  It is not a good practice to have two triggers that execute for the same object on the same event.  This is because there is no way to determine the order in which they will be executed.  Combine your two trigger into one - put the code from the first trigger before the code for the second trigger.  Delete (or inactivate) the unused trigger.


All Answers

The only way is to combine the code of the two triggers into a single trigger.  It is not a good practice to have two triggers that execute for the same object on the same event.  This is because there is no way to determine the order in which they will be executed.  Combine your two trigger into one - put the code from the first trigger before the code for the second trigger.  Delete (or inactivate) the unused trigger.

This was selected as the best answer
Here's food for thought:
And btw, I second GlynA's comments.
Thanks Glyn It is working. @Shikibu Thanks for your reply