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Error We're unable to retrieve your data due to an error

I have created a and in the site I have added some fields from my custom object to get display on the In the preview it is working fine but after i publish the i am not able to view the records i am getting an error.

Error We're unable to retrieve your data due to an error.
Please guide me what is the issue.
Hi Anuraj, 

Do you have a user "profile" set up for sites users that includes access to your custom object? If not, you won't be able to access those objects from sites and will get an error message of the kind you're seeing.

Are these custom "objects" perhaps instead custom "fields" on say Opportunity or Accounts? If so, that could be the problem. If you're trying to access any fields (standard or custom) on Accounts, Opportunities, Events or Leads (and a few others), unless you have full partner licenses, you'll need to mirror them through a Custom Object that contains those fields and then sync them back to the primary object using triggers or batchable classes.

See the below link for further information,
