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how to salesforce integrate with googlemap,here based on zipcode (fromaddress to Toaddress) in shipping address,we need to find out nearest shipping port based on zipcode

HI ,

i am working on  based on zipcode (from address to toaddress) ,we need to findout nearest shipping ports .
it is very urgent,

can you please help me about this.

in advance Thanks

There are a couple of apps in the appexchange which can help acheive this.
For eg:

But if you want to try it out yourself then there are a lot of articles for this as well.

Satish Kumar
Hi Satish,

i am more pressure on this work 
above link salesforce is integrating with googlemap ,but i am able to find out nearest  shippong port or airline 

I got know google map api we can find out nearest airline or shipping port ,but i am using google map api  in visualforce page,but it is showing  point the city (based on pincode)  i am unable search nearest port or airline ,can you give suggestion please

please send me code if it is possible

In advance thanks