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The larger I set the batch size the more duplicates I receive, Please help, kudos to anyone that solves this.

Public Class ContractFunctionsCloneContractAndOLIs

Public static void CloneMaintContractAndLineItems(Map<Id,Contract> oldMap, Map<Id,Contract> newMap)
        List<Id> ContractToClone = new List<Id>();
        List<Id> ContractLineItemsToClone = new List<Id>();
        Date StartDate;
        Date EndDate;

        Integer NumberOfDays = 0;
        Integer NumberOfMonths = 0;
        Integer NumberOfYears = 0;
        Double YearTerm = 0;
        Integer NumberOfLeapYearDays = 0;
        Integer TermsByMonth = 0;
        Integer Prevcount =0;
        Boolean MaintTermMisMatch;
        String OriginalCase;
        Date CurrentDay;
        Date PrevCurrentDay;      

        Integer PrevNumberOfDays =0;
        Date PrevStartDate;
        Date PrevEndDate;
        Integer PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays =0;      
        for(Contract c : newMap.Values())

        for(Contract_Line_Item__c CLI :[Select id from Contract_Line_Item__c where Contract__c in :ContractToClone])
       Contract newContract = new Contract();
        if(ContractToClone.size() > 0 && ContractLineItemsToClone.size() > 0)
            for(Contract c : [Select id, Status, Attn_To__c, Original_Case__c, Maintenance_out_of_sync__c, NewlyCreatedNumDays__c, DateFinal__c,PrevNumberOfDays__c, PrevStartDate__c, PrevEndDate__c, PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, Term_In_Days__c, XNumberOfDays__c, AccountId, XNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, NumberOfLeapYearDays2__c, SpecialTerms, FEndDate__c, FCompareDayEndDate__c, Total_Maintenance_Price__c,Months_between_start_and_end__c,Override_Total_Price__c,StartDate, Contract_End_Date__c, Case__c, RecordTypeId from Contract where Id in :ContractToClone ])

List<Contract> ContractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();

                newContract.Total_Maintenance_Price__c = c.Total_Maintenance_Price__c;
                newContract.Status = 'Pending';
                newContract.AccountId = c.AccountId;
                newContract.StartDate = c.Contract_End_Date__c + 1;
                newContract.RecordTypeId = ServiceClass.getRecordTypesNameMap('Contract').get('Maintenance Contract').Id;
                newContract.Parent_Contract__c =;
         List<Contract_Line_Item__c> ContractLineItemsToInsert = new List<Contract_Line_Item__c>();
                String ContractId;
                String AccountId;
                String CaseId;
                String CLIStatus;
            for(Contract insertedContracts : [Select Id, Case__c, AccountId from Contract where id in :ContractsToInsert])
                ContractId =;
                AccountId = insertedContracts.AccountId;
                CaseId = insertedContracts.Case__c;
                CLIStatus = 'Pending';
            for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc : [Select id, Maintenance_Sales_Price__c, Contract_Line_Item_Status__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, List_Price__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where Id in :ContractLineItemsToClone])
                    Contract_Line_Item__c newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();
                    newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = CLIStatus;
                    newCLI.Contract__c = ContractId;
                    //newCLI.Case_Id__c = CaseId;
                    newCLI.Account__c = AccountId;
                    newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Origin__c = 'Contract Clone Follow Up Contract';
                    newCLI.Product_LU__c = cc.Product_LU__c;
                    newCLI.Quantity__c = cc.Quantity__c;
                    newCLI.List_Price__c = cc.List_Price__c;    
                    newCLI.Maintenance_Sales_Price__c = cc.Maintenance_Sales_Price__c;
                    if(cc.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c == 'Do Not Renew')
                         newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = 'Do Not Renew';
                    if(cc.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c == 'Cancelled')
                         newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = 'Cancelled';

Best Answer chosen by RelaxItsJustCode
Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev
Sure. We all need a little help getting started


map<id, contract>  originalContractMap = new map<id, contract>; //"source" id ->  "source" contract
map<id, contract> originalToCloneMap = new map<id, contract>;;//"source" id -> "clone" contract


if (ContractsToInsertSET.add(s)) {
            originalContractMap.put(, c); //add this
            originaltoCloneMap.put(, s); //add this
insert(ContractsToInsert); //the key thing to now here is now is everything in originaltoclonemap.values() now has the id field appened as a result of the insert

//for(Contract insertedContracts : [Select Id, Case__c, AccountId from Contract where id in :ContractsToInsert])
//            {

for (id originalID : originalContractMap.keyset()){
       Contract srcContract =  originalContractMap.get(originalID);//has all the fields of the original contract query
       Contract clonedContract = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalID);//has all the fields that were in the insert + the id field due to the insert

this should get you going in the right directions.

All Answers

Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev
This line:


is inside this loop

for(Contract_Line_Item__c CLI :[Select id from Contract_Line_Item__c where Contract__c in :ContractToClone])

Since you are not mapping contract to contract line items, you are adding the full set to ever contract instead of the ones just related to the contract.
I have changed the code but now I am getting errors about having duplicates in my contract insert.  Any ideas?

Public Class ContractFunctionsCloneContractAndOLIs

Public static void CloneMaintContractAndLineItems(Map<Id,Contract> oldMap, Map<Id,Contract> newMap)
        List<Id> ContractToClone = new List<Id>();
        List<Id> ContractLineItemsToClone = new List<Id>();
        Date StartDate;
        Date EndDate;

        Integer NumberOfDays = 0;
        Integer NumberOfMonths = 0;
        Integer NumberOfYears = 0;
        Double YearTerm = 0;
        Integer NumberOfLeapYearDays = 0;
        Integer TermsByMonth = 0;
        Integer Prevcount =0;
        Boolean MaintTermMisMatch;
        String OriginalCase;
        Date CurrentDay;
        Date PrevCurrentDay;      

        Integer PrevNumberOfDays =0;
        Date PrevStartDate;
        Date PrevEndDate;
        Integer CNT = 0;
        Integer PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays =0;      
        for(Contract c : newMap.Values())
               CNT = CNT +1;

        for(Contract_Line_Item__c CLI :[Select id from Contract_Line_Item__c where Contract__c in :ContractToClone])
       Contract newContract = new Contract();
         List<Contract> ContractsToInsert1 = new List<Contract>();
         SET<Contract> ContractsToInsertSET = new SET<Contract>();
         List<Contract> ContractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
        if(ContractToClone.size() > 0 && ContractLineItemsToClone.size() > 0)
            for(Contract c : [Select id, Status, Attn_To__c, Original_Case__c, Maintenance_out_of_sync__c, NewlyCreatedNumDays__c, DateFinal__c,PrevNumberOfDays__c,
            PrevStartDate__c, PrevEndDate__c, PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, Term_In_Days__c, XNumberOfDays__c, AccountId, XNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, NumberOfLeapYearDays2__c,
            SpecialTerms, FEndDate__c, FCompareDayEndDate__c, Total_Maintenance_Price__c,Months_between_start_and_end__c,Override_Total_Price__c,StartDate,
            Contract_End_Date__c, Case__c, RecordTypeId from Contract where Id in :ContractToClone ])


             StartDate = c.StartDate;
            PrevStartDate = c.StartDate;
            PrevEndDate = c.Contract_End_Date__c;
            EndDate = c.Contract_End_Date__c;
            OriginalCase = c.Original_Case__c;
            MaintTermMisMatch = c.Maintenance_out_of_sync__c;

        PrevNumberOfDays = PrevStartDate.DaysBetween(PrevEndDate)+1;

        while (Prevcount < (PrevNumberOfDays))
            if(PrevStartDate.Month() == 2 && PrevStartDate.Day() == 29)
                        PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays = PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           
             PrevCurrentDay = PrevStartDate.addDays(Prevcount);

            if(PrevCurrentDay.Month() == 2 && PrevCurrentDay.Day() == 29)
                        PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays = PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           

                newContract.SpecialTerms = c.SpecialTerms;
                newContract.Override_Total_Price__c = c.Override_Total_Price__c;
                newContract.Total_Maintenance_Price__c = c.Total_Maintenance_Price__c;
                newContract.Status = 'Pending';
                newContract.AccountId = c.AccountId;
                newContract.StartDate = c.Contract_End_Date__c + 1;
                newContract.Attn_To__c = c.Attn_To__c;
               // newContract.Case__c = c.Case__c;
                newContract.Original_Case__c = OriginalCase;
                newContract.Maintenance_out_of_sync__c = MaintTermMisMatch;
                 newContract.PrevNumberOfDays__c = PrevNumberOfDays;
                 newContract.PrevStartDate__c = PrevStartDate;
                 newContract.PrevEndDate__c = PrevEndDate;
                 newContract.PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays__c = PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays;

                newContract.Months_between_start_and_end__c = c.StartDate.monthsBetween((c.Contract_End_Date__c +1));
                Integer count = 0;
                 NumberOfDays = StartDate.DaysBetween(EndDate)+1;
          while (count < (NumberOfDays+1))
            if(EndDate.Month() == 2 && EndDate.Day() == 29)
                        NumberOfLeapYearDays = NumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           
             CurrentDay = EndDate.addDays(count);

            if(CurrentDay.Month() == 2 && CurrentDay.Day() == 29)
                        NumberOfLeapYearDays = NumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           
           newContract.NumberOfLeapYearDays2__c = NumberOfLeapYearDays;    
           newContract.Count__c = count;
           newContract.PrevCount__c = Prevcount;
           if(NumberOfDays >= 365)
               NumberOfDays = NumberOfDays + NumberOfLeapYearDays - PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays;
               newContract.NewNumberOfDays__c = NumberOfDays;
               newContract.NewlyCreatedNumDays__c = NumberOfDays - NumberOfLeapYearDays;
           if(NumberOfDays < 365)
               newContract.NewNumberOfDays__c = NumberOfDays;
               newContract.NewlyCreatedNumDays__c = NumberOfDays;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////      - PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays     
          newContract.Contract_End_Date__c = c.Contract_End_Date__c.addDays((NumberOfDays));
                newContract.RecordTypeId = ServiceClass.getRecordTypesNameMap('Contract').get('Maintenance Contract').Id;
                newContract.Parent_Contract__c =;
        for (Contract s : ContractsToInsert1) {
          if (ContractsToInsertSET.add(s)) {

         List<Contract_Line_Item__c> ContractLineItemsToInsert = new List<Contract_Line_Item__c>();
                String ContractId;
                String AccountId;
                String CaseId;
                String CLIStatus;
            for(Contract insertedContracts : [Select Id, Case__c, AccountId from Contract where id in :ContractsToInsert])
                ContractId =;
                AccountId = insertedContracts.AccountId;
                CaseId = insertedContracts.Case__c;
                CLIStatus = 'Pending';
            for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc : [Select id, Maintenance_Sales_Price__c, Contract_Line_Item_Status__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, List_Price__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where Id in :ContractLineItemsToClone])
                    Contract_Line_Item__c newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();
                    newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = CLIStatus;
                    newCLI.Contract__c = ContractId;
                    //newCLI.Case_Id__c = CaseId;
                    newCLI.Account__c = AccountId;
                    newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Origin__c = 'Contract Clone Follow Up Contract';
                    newCLI.Product_LU__c = cc.Product_LU__c;
                    newCLI.Quantity__c = cc.Quantity__c;
                    newCLI.List_Price__c = cc.List_Price__c;    
                    newCLI.Maintenance_Sales_Price__c = cc.Maintenance_Sales_Price__c;
                    if(cc.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c == 'Do Not Renew')
                         newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = 'Do Not Renew';
                    if(cc.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c == 'Cancelled')
                         newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = 'Cancelled';

Eli FloresEli Flores
Contract newContract = new Contract(); is outside that loop that is cloning so when it runs through the loop, it's always updating the same copy. So you it add it to list and then start updating the same copy in the list since they are all pointing to exact same thing. You just are ending up with X number of copies the last item cloned.

StartDate = c.StartDate; to
Contract newContract = new Contract();
StartDate = c.StartDate;
Eli FloresEli Flores
err it should be

newContract = new Contract();

since declare it outside of the loop
Ok now I'm able to create the child contracts BUT, it is creating duplicate child contract per the size of the batch size that I update the dataloader to trigger the creation of child contracts.  I have gotta get rid of these duplicates.

Here is the new code...  Any ideas?

Public Class ContractFunctionsCloneContractAndOLIs

Public static void CloneMaintContractAndLineItems(Map<Id,Contract> oldMap, Map<Id,Contract> newMap)
        List<Id> ContractToClone = new List<Id>();
        List<Id> ContractLineItemsToClone = new List<Id>();
        Date StartDate;
        Date EndDate;

        Integer NumberOfDays = 0;
        Integer NumberOfMonths = 0;
        Integer NumberOfYears = 0;
        Double YearTerm = 0;
        Integer NumberOfLeapYearDays = 0;
        Integer TermsByMonth = 0;
        Integer Prevcount =0;
        Boolean MaintTermMisMatch;
        String OriginalCase;
        Date CurrentDay;
        Date PrevCurrentDay;      

        Integer PrevNumberOfDays =0;
        Date PrevStartDate;
        Date PrevEndDate;
        Integer CNT = 0;
        Integer PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays =0;      
        for(Contract c : newMap.Values())
               CNT = CNT +1;

        for(Contract_Line_Item__c CLI :[Select id from Contract_Line_Item__c where Contract__c in :ContractToClone])
       //Contract newContract = new Contract();
         List<Contract> ContractsToInsert1 = new List<Contract>();
         SET<Contract> ContractsToInsertSET = new SET<Contract>();
         List<Contract> ContractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
        if(ContractToClone.size() > 0 && ContractLineItemsToClone.size() > 0)
            for(Contract c : [Select id, Status, Attn_To__c, Original_Case__c, Maintenance_out_of_sync__c, NewlyCreatedNumDays__c, DateFinal__c,PrevNumberOfDays__c,
            PrevStartDate__c, PrevEndDate__c, PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, Term_In_Days__c, XNumberOfDays__c, AccountId, XNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, NumberOfLeapYearDays2__c,
            SpecialTerms, FEndDate__c, FCompareDayEndDate__c, Total_Maintenance_Price__c,Months_between_start_and_end__c,Override_Total_Price__c,StartDate,
            Contract_End_Date__c, Case__c, RecordTypeId from Contract where Id in :ContractToClone ])


       Contract newContract = new Contract();
             StartDate = c.StartDate;
            PrevStartDate = c.StartDate;
            PrevEndDate = c.Contract_End_Date__c;
            EndDate = c.Contract_End_Date__c;
            OriginalCase = c.Original_Case__c;
            MaintTermMisMatch = c.Maintenance_out_of_sync__c;

        PrevNumberOfDays = PrevStartDate.DaysBetween(PrevEndDate)+1;

        while (Prevcount < (PrevNumberOfDays))
            if(PrevStartDate.Month() == 2 && PrevStartDate.Day() == 29)
                        PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays = PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           
             PrevCurrentDay = PrevStartDate.addDays(Prevcount);

            if(PrevCurrentDay.Month() == 2 && PrevCurrentDay.Day() == 29)
                        PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays = PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           

                newContract.SpecialTerms = c.SpecialTerms;
                newContract.Override_Total_Price__c = c.Override_Total_Price__c;
                newContract.Total_Maintenance_Price__c = c.Total_Maintenance_Price__c;
                newContract.Status = 'Pending';
                newContract.AccountId = c.AccountId;
                newContract.StartDate = c.Contract_End_Date__c + 1;
                newContract.Attn_To__c = c.Attn_To__c;
               // newContract.Case__c = c.Case__c;
                newContract.Original_Case__c = OriginalCase;
                newContract.Maintenance_out_of_sync__c = MaintTermMisMatch;
                 newContract.PrevNumberOfDays__c = PrevNumberOfDays;
                 newContract.PrevStartDate__c = PrevStartDate;
                 newContract.PrevEndDate__c = PrevEndDate;
                 newContract.PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays__c = PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays;

                newContract.Months_between_start_and_end__c = c.StartDate.monthsBetween((c.Contract_End_Date__c +1));
                Integer count = 0;
                 NumberOfDays = StartDate.DaysBetween(EndDate)+1;
          while (count < (NumberOfDays+1))
            if(EndDate.Month() == 2 && EndDate.Day() == 29)
                        NumberOfLeapYearDays = NumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           
             CurrentDay = EndDate.addDays(count);

            if(CurrentDay.Month() == 2 && CurrentDay.Day() == 29)
                        NumberOfLeapYearDays = NumberOfLeapYearDays + 1;           
           newContract.NumberOfLeapYearDays2__c = NumberOfLeapYearDays;    
           newContract.Count__c = count;
           newContract.PrevCount__c = Prevcount;
           if(NumberOfDays >= 365)
               NumberOfDays = NumberOfDays + NumberOfLeapYearDays - PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays;
               newContract.NewNumberOfDays__c = NumberOfDays;
               newContract.NewlyCreatedNumDays__c = NumberOfDays - NumberOfLeapYearDays;
           if(NumberOfDays < 365)
               newContract.NewNumberOfDays__c = NumberOfDays;
               newContract.NewlyCreatedNumDays__c = NumberOfDays;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////      - PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays     
          newContract.Contract_End_Date__c = c.Contract_End_Date__c.addDays((NumberOfDays));
                newContract.RecordTypeId = ServiceClass.getRecordTypesNameMap('Contract').get('Maintenance Contract').Id;
                newContract.Parent_Contract__c =;
        for (Contract s : ContractsToInsert1) {
          if (ContractsToInsertSET.add(s)) {

         List<Contract_Line_Item__c> ContractLineItemsToInsert = new List<Contract_Line_Item__c>();
                String ContractId;
                String AccountId;
                String CaseId;
                String CLIStatus;
            for(Contract insertedContracts : [Select Id, Case__c, AccountId from Contract where id in :ContractsToInsert])
                ContractId =;
                AccountId = insertedContracts.AccountId;
                CaseId = insertedContracts.Case__c;
                CLIStatus = 'Pending';
            for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc : [Select id, Maintenance_Sales_Price__c, Contract_Line_Item_Status__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, List_Price__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where Id in :ContractLineItemsToClone])
                    Contract_Line_Item__c newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();
                    newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = CLIStatus;
                    newCLI.Contract__c = ContractId;
                    //newCLI.Case_Id__c = CaseId;
                    newCLI.Account__c = AccountId;
                    newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Origin__c = 'Contract Clone Follow Up Contract';
                    newCLI.Product_LU__c = cc.Product_LU__c;
                    newCLI.Quantity__c = cc.Quantity__c;
                    newCLI.List_Price__c = cc.List_Price__c;    
                    newCLI.Maintenance_Sales_Price__c = cc.Maintenance_Sales_Price__c;
                    if(cc.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c == 'Do Not Renew')
                         newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = 'Do Not Renew';
                    if(cc.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c == 'Cancelled')
                         newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Status__c = 'Cancelled';

Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev
look at this code for(Contract insertedContracts : [Select Id, Case__c, AccountId from Contract where id in :ContractsToInsert]){ ..... for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc : [Select id, Maintenance_Sales_Price__c, Contract_Line_Item_Status__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, List_Price__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where* Id in :ContractLineItemsToClone*]){ .... ContractLineItemsToInsert.add( newCLI); } } you probable meant: *Id in :ContractLineItemsToClone* to id = though you want to do this whole thing... Calling SOQL in a loop (in this case the 2nd for loop) is bad form and under any kind of load, SFDC is going to complain you want to go with something more like this psuedocode for these: map> contractToLineItem for (Contract_Line_Item__c cc :) { List newList = contractToLineItem.containsKey(cc.contractID) == null ? contractToLineItem.get(cc.contractID) : new List(); newList.add(cc) contractToLineItem.put(cc.contractID, newList) } for Contracts insertedContracts : insertedContracts { for contract_line_items : contractToLineItem.get( { } } that way you get the list 1 instead of making x number of database calls to get that same list. You'll want to check out this:
Eli FloresEli Flores
this is what it was supposed to look  like:

look at this code
for(Contract insertedContracts : [Select Id, Case__c, AccountId from Contract where id in :ContractsToInsert]){
  for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc : [Select id, Maintenance_Sales_Price__c, Contract_Line_Item_Status__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, List_Price__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where Id in :ContractLineItemsToClone]){

you probable meant:
Id in :ContractLineItemsToClone
to be
id =

though you want to do this whole thing... Calling SOQL in a loop (in this case the 2nd for loop)  is bad form and under any kind of load, SFDC is going to complain

you want to go with something more like this psuedocode for these:

map<id, List<Contract_Line_Item__c>> contractToLineItem
for (Contract_Line_Item__c cc :) {
      List<Contract_Line_Item__c> newList = contractToLineItem.containsKey(cc.contractID) == null ? contractToLineItem.get(cc.contractID) : new List<Contract_Line_Item__c>();
      contractToLineItem.put(cc.contractID, newList)

for Contracts insertedContracts : insertedContracts {
     for contract_line_items : contractToLineItem.get( {
     <do cloning>

that way you get the list 1 instead of making x number of database calls to get that same list.

You'll want to check out this:
Thank you, I really appriciate it
Ok I have to look over the best practices page a bit more before I totally understand, but I was wondering if you could show me how you would get the list just once for the Contract portion of my issue, you don't need to include all of the fields but just a way for my to get a better understand on two things, thing 1. how you can get the list of contracts just once, thing 2. how you go from record to record inserting them a single time?  Please I have to get some stuff done by Monday and this would give me a great start in understand the awesome things you all have been trying to teach to me.
Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev
Sure. We all need a little help getting started


map<id, contract>  originalContractMap = new map<id, contract>; //"source" id ->  "source" contract
map<id, contract> originalToCloneMap = new map<id, contract>;;//"source" id -> "clone" contract


if (ContractsToInsertSET.add(s)) {
            originalContractMap.put(, c); //add this
            originaltoCloneMap.put(, s); //add this
insert(ContractsToInsert); //the key thing to now here is now is everything in originaltoclonemap.values() now has the id field appened as a result of the insert

//for(Contract insertedContracts : [Select Id, Case__c, AccountId from Contract where id in :ContractsToInsert])
//            {

for (id originalID : originalContractMap.keyset()){
       Contract srcContract =  originalContractMap.get(originalID);//has all the fields of the original contract query
       Contract clonedContract = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalID);//has all the fields that were in the insert + the id field due to the insert

this should get you going in the right directions.
This was selected as the best answer
Thank you all soo much.  I really appriciate every bit of all of your help.
Hey Dev, what am I doing wrong?

Trigger ContractTriggerCreatContractAndOLIs on Contract (after update)

    map<id, contract>  originalToCloneMap = new map<id, contract>();

    Date StartDate;
    Date EndDate;
    String cAccountid;
    String cContractId;
    String cParentId;
    List<Contract> ContractsToClone = [Select id, Parent_Contract__c, Status, Attn_To__c, Original_Case__c, Maintenance_out_of_sync__c, NewlyCreatedNumDays__c, DateFinal__c,PrevNumberOfDays__c,
            PrevStartDate__c, PrevEndDate__c, PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, Term_In_Days__c, XNumberOfDays__c, AccountId, XNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, NumberOfLeapYearDays2__c,
            SpecialTerms, FEndDate__c, FCompareDayEndDate__c, Total_Maintenance_Price__c,Months_between_start_and_end__c,Override_Total_Price__c,StartDate,
            Contract_End_Date__c, Case__c, RecordTypeId
            from Contract where Test_Contract_Clone__c = TRUE and Processed_Renewal_Contract__c = False and Id in :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];

    List<Contract> ContractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
    Contract newContract = new Contract();

    for(Contract c: ContractsToClone)
        NewContract = new Contract();
        NewContract.StartDate = Date.Today();
        NewContract.Contract_End_Date__c = Date.Today();
        NewContract.Status = 'Pending';
        NewContract.Accountid = c.AccountId;
        NewContract.RecordTypeId = c.RecordTypeId;
        NewContract.Parent_Contract__c =;
        originaltoCloneMap.put(, NewContract);
    Insert ContractsToInsert;
    List<Contract_Line_Item__c> CLIsToInsert = new List<Contract_Line_Item__c>();
    Contract_Line_Item__c newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();

    for(id originalId: originaltoCloneMap.keyset()){
    newCLI.Contract__c = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalId);
    newCLI.Product_LU__c = originalid.Product_LU__c;
    newCLI.Quantity__c = originalid.Quantity__c;
    insert CLIsToInsert;
Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev

What's the issue you're having?

one thing  that pops out is this:
newCLI.Contract__c = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalId);

should be
newCLI.Contract__c = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalId).id;


Contract_Line_Item__c newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();

should be in the for loop.

and it doesn't look like you have anything that's processing the CLIs. You need to get all  the CLIs and map them to a original contact ID (map<id, List<ContactrLineItems>>)

Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev
That way you use the for loop for(id originalId: originaltoCloneMap.keyset()) to get the appropriate  list of CLIs then remap them  using the originaltoCloneMap
What I'm having issue with is that how do I insert the right Contract line items to the correct contract (what I mean is if I haven't inserted the contract yet where am I going to get the contract/parent id for the contract line items)?  I can load the contract in large batches but the part about loading the line items is the part where I'm all turned around on.  Any ideas?
Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev
Oh one of my posts is missing... 

What you want to do is something like this
map<id, contract> originaltoCloneMap;
for(Contract c: ContractsToClone){
      //clone contract
      originaltoCloneMap.put(, newContract);
insert contractToClone; //the thing to know here is that now that it is inserted, the completed ID is now in all the Contract Objectss in orginalToCloneMap
for ( ContratcLineItem origCLI : [Select ... from contractline item where contract__c in :originalToCloneMap.keyset()){
     ContractLineItem newCLI  = new ContractLineItem();
      newCli.Contract__c = originalToCloneMap.get(origCLI.contract__c).id;//this is valid because the insert updated all the IDs of the contract objects in the map

The code has a bit of an issue, when I update in a batch greater than one using this trigger a collection of all line items across every contract in the batch gets created under each contract.  Like if I have five line items under four different contracts when I use the following code each contract created has 20 line items.  any ideas???

Trigger ContractTriggerCreatContractAndOLIs on Contract (after update)

    map<id, contract>  originalToCloneMap = new map<id, contract>();
    map<id, contract>  originalContractMap = new map<id, contract>();
    Date StartDate;
    Date EndDate;
    String cAccountid;
    String cContractId;
    String cParentId;
    List<Contract> ContractsToClone = [Select id, Parent_Contract__c, Status, Attn_To__c, Original_Case__c, Maintenance_out_of_sync__c, NewlyCreatedNumDays__c, DateFinal__c,PrevNumberOfDays__c,
            PrevStartDate__c, PrevEndDate__c, PrevNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, Term_In_Days__c, XNumberOfDays__c, AccountId, XNumberOfLeapYearDays__c, NumberOfLeapYearDays2__c,
            SpecialTerms, FEndDate__c, FCompareDayEndDate__c, Total_Maintenance_Price__c,Months_between_start_and_end__c,Override_Total_Price__c,StartDate,
            Contract_End_Date__c, Case__c, RecordTypeId
            from Contract where Test_Contract_Clone__c = TRUE and Processed_Renewal_Contract__c = False and Id in :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];


    //List<id> Parent_ContractIds = new List<id>();
    //Contract_Line_Item__c newCLI =
    List<Contract> ContractsToInsert = new List<Contract>();
    Contract newContract = new Contract();

    for(Contract c: ContractsToClone)
        NewContract = new Contract();
        NewContract.StartDate = Date.Today();
        NewContract.Contract_End_Date__c = Date.Today();
        NewContract.Status = 'Pending';
        NewContract.Accountid = c.AccountId;
        NewContract.RecordTypeId = c.RecordTypeId;
        NewContract.Parent_Contract__c =;
        originaltoCloneMap.put(, NewContract);
    Insert ContractsToInsert;
  //  List<Contract_Line_Item__c> ContractCLIToClone = [Select Contract__c, List_Price__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, Account__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where Contract__c in :ContractsToClone order by Contract__c];
            Contract_Line_Item__c newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();   
    for(id originalId: originaltoCloneMap.keyset())
        List<Contract_Line_Item__c> CLIsToInsert = new List<Contract_Line_Item__c>();
     //  for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc:ContractCLIToClone)
       for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc :[Select Contract__c, List_Price__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, Account__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where Contract__c in :originalToCloneMap.keyset()])
            newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();
                newCLI.Contract__c = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalId).id;
            newCLI.Product_LU__c = '01t7000000170yy';
            newCLI.List_Price__c = cc.List_Price__c;
            newCLI.Product_LU__c = cc.Product_Lu__c;
           newCLI.Quantity__c = cc.Quantity__c;
           newCLI.Account__c = cc.Account__c;
           newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Origin__c = 'Contract Clone Follow Up Contract';
         insert CLIsToInsert;
Eli Flores, SFDC DevEli Flores, SFDC Dev
for(id originalId: originaltoCloneMap.keyset())//delete

        List<Contract_Line_Item__c> CLIsToInsert = new List<Contract_Line_Item__c>();
     //  for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc:ContractCLIToClone)
       for(Contract_Line_Item__c cc :[Select Contract__c, List_Price__c, Product_LU__c, Quantity__c, Account__c from Contract_Line_Item__c where Contract__c in :originalToCloneMap.keyset()])
            newCLI = new Contract_Line_Item__c();
                newCLI.Contract__c = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalId).id;
            newCLI.Product_LU__c = '01t7000000170yy';
            newCLI.List_Price__c = cc.List_Price__c;
            newCLI.Product_LU__c = cc.Product_Lu__c;
           newCLI.Quantity__c = cc.Quantity__c;
           newCLI.Account__c = cc.Account__c;
           newCLI.Contract_Line_Item_Origin__c = 'Contract Clone Follow Up Contract';
         insert CLIsToInsert;

You don't  need the outter for loop (the stuff in bold) so delete that. It's what's causing the extra records. You are also not remapping the newCLI.contract correctly. 

then change this line
newCLI.Contract__c = originaltoCloneMap.get(originalId).id;
to this
newCLI.Contract__c = originaltoCloneMap.get(cc.Contract).id;//this is why you created the originalToCloneMap so you could cross reference it in the loop based on the CLI to be cloned (cc)

Perfection!!!  You soo rock Dev!!!  Thank you soo much!
Jack WigaJack Wiga
Hi there!
I thing to know here is that since it is embedded and just download the Onedrive app, sync and use DuplicateFilesDeleter to find and remove duplicates. 
