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VisualForce to Excel 2011 for Mac: images not displayed

Hi, colleagues.

I'm trying to create a VF-page which can be opened as an Excel file in Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac. I didn't meet any problems with Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 which are based on Windows platform, but an image is not displayed on Mac (I can see its border only and an error message inside).
Let me provide simple test code of my VisualForce page:

<apex:page standardStylesheets="false" sidebar="false"  showHeader="false" showChat="false" contentType="application/">
                <apex:image url=""/>
                <img src=""/>

Does anybody know how we can correctly insert images in Excel-files so that they are displayed in Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac?

This has been addressed in the thread,
