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Apex Trigger issue: Edit/Save Phone number on Contact page

I'm using an Enterprise instance and am getting the following error ever time we try to edit or save a Phone number (Standard Field) on the Contact Object (Standard Object). The error is present even when entering valid us numbers (no dashes, letters, etc.)

Error:Apex trigger updateCustomObjects caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: updateCustomObjects: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.LimitException: Attempted to schedule too many concurrent batch jobs in this org (limit is 5).: Trigger.updateCustomObjects: line 73, column 1
Anil SavaliyaAnil Savaliya
Hey Peter,

Your massage says,You have UpdateCustomeobject trigger in contact object,and In trigger code line 73 trying to invoke more than 5 batch same time.
Thanks Andys323! I understood that much. However - now what? Why would this start happening all of a sudden? Can I raise my limit? How can I control my batch jobs? Is this a common issue?
Anil SavaliyaAnil Savaliya
No,You can not rise limit.Can you pasta code for trigger Updatecustomeobject trigger? This not happen suddenly? You have quied batch same time more than five.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 *73*74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 trigger updateCustomObjects on Contact (after update) { Map updatedContacts = new Map(); List lstContactId = new List(); for(Integer i = 0; i <; i++) { if ((Trigger.old[i].Phone !=[i].Phone) || (Trigger.old[i].Email !=[i].Email)) { updatedContacts.put([i].Id,[i]); lstContactId.add([i].Id); } } /* //select IDs of all Meeting Attendees where ContactID is the same as the ID of the current Contact List attendee = [SELECT ID, Contact__c FROM Meeting_Attendees__c WHERE Contact__c IN :updatedContacts.keySet()]; //update Phone and Email for all Meeting Reports having IDs as above with the new values for(integer i = 0; i < attendee.size(); i++) { attendee[i].Phone__c = updatedContacts.get(attendee[i].Contact__c).Phone; attendee[i].Email__c = updatedContacts.get(attendee[i].Contact__c).Email; } //if(!attendee.isEmpty()) //{ // update attendee; //} List> lstSplittedAttendee = new List>(); List lstTemp = new List(); for(Integer i=0 ;i < attendee.size();i++) { if(lstTemp.size() == 100) { lstSplittedAttendee.add(lstTemp); lstTemp = new List(); } else { lstTemp.add(attendee[i]); } } if(lstTemp.size() > 0 ) lstSplittedAttendee.add(lstTemp); if(!lstSplittedAttendee.isEmpty()) { for(Integer i =0 ; i < lstSplittedAttendee.size() ; i++) { update lstSplittedAttendee[i]; } } */ /* Start - Changes Made here on 10th March */ String strContactIds = ''; for(Integer i = 0 ;i < lstContactId.size(); i++) { if(i == 0 && lstContactId.size() > 1) strContactIds = '(\'' + lstContactId[i] + '\''; else if( i > 0 && i != lstContactId.size()-1 ) strContactIds = ' , \'' + lstContactId[i] + '\''; else if( i > 0 && i == lstContactId.size()-1 ) strContactIds = ' , \'' + lstContactId[i] + '\')'; else if(i == 0 && lstContactId.size() == 1) strContactIds = '(\'' + lstContactId[i] + '\')'; } System.debug(' $$$$$$$$$ strContactIds == ' + strContactIds ); if(strContactIds != '') { String strQuery = 'SELECT ID, Contact__c FROM Meeting_Attendees__c WHERE Contact__c IN ' + strContactIds; System.debug(' $$$$$$$$$ strQuery == ' + strQuery ); clsBatchAttendeeUpdate bc = new clsBatchAttendeeUpdate(strQuery,updatedContacts); Database.executeBatch(bc, 200); } /* End - Changes Made here on 10th March */ //select IDs of all Contact Relationships where ContactID is the same as the ID of the current Contact List relationship = [SELECT ID, Contact__c FROM Relationship__c WHERE Contact__c IN :updatedContacts.keySet()]; //update Phone and Email for all Relationships having IDs as above with the new values for(integer j = 0; j < relationship.size(); j++) { relationship[j].Phone__c = updatedContacts.get(relationship[j].Contact__c).Phone; relationship[j].Email__c = updatedContacts.get(relationship[j].Contact__c).Email; } if(!relationship.isEmpty()) { update relationship; } //select IDs of all Project Members where ContactID is the same as the ID of the current Contact List members = [SELECT ID, Project_Member__c FROM Project_Members__c WHERE Project_Member__c IN :updatedContacts.keySet()]; //update Phone and Email for all Relationships having IDs as above with the new values for(integer k = 0; k < members.size(); k++) { members[k].Phone__c = updatedContacts.get(members[k].Project_Member__c).Phone; members[k].Email__c = updatedContacts.get(members[k].Project_Member__c).Email; } if(!members.isEmpty()) { update members; } }
Anil SavaliyaAnil Savaliya
Hey Peter,

See this part in your code.

if(strContactIds != '') { String strQuery = 'SELECT ID, Contact__c FROM Meeting_Attendees__c WHERE Contact__c IN ' + strContactIds; System.debug(' $$$$$$$$$ strQuery == ' + strQuery ); clsBatchAttendeeUpdate bc = new clsBatchAttendeeUpdate(strQuery,updatedContacts); Database.executeBatch(bc, 200); }

That mean,

In your instance Now have more than 1000 Meeting attendees record,and It's firring batch 5 times concurrently.As salesforce limit ,You can't  quied more that 5 active batch in salesforce.

You can see invoked batch in setup-Admin setup-Moniterning-Apex job

Please write secedulade batch apex,to resolve this issue ,Comment code i pasted above.
Saravanan @CreationSaravanan @Creation
Hi Peter,

This below post will explain you how to resolve yours suitiation
