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Denise FloodDenise Flood 

Create a trigger


I am trying to set up a trigger for the following:

Create a new record in a custom object called Audit when a previous record is marked closed.
The Name of the new record would be called Account Name(linked to the account on the previous record) - Audit - Date Created.

How would it be recommended that I complete this task?

Thank you
Best Answer chosen by Denise Flood
Try below code :-

trigger createNewRecord on Audit__c (before update){
   list<Audit__c> newList = new list<Audit__c>();
   for (Audit__c{
     if ((p.Status__c!=trigger.oldMap.get('Closed')){ //Assuming that the field to check Closed is Status__c
		Audit__c au = new Audit__c(Account__c=p.Account__c,Status__c=<new status>);//Populate all the fields req//uired to insert a new Audit__c record
      insert newList;

If this helps,please mark it as best answer to help others :)

All Answers

kevin Carotherskevin Carothers
So, when an autit record is closed, you want another audit record created linked to the same account?

Denise FloodDenise Flood
Yes correct
Try below code :-

trigger createNewRecord on Audit__c (before update){
   list<Audit__c> newList = new list<Audit__c>();
   for (Audit__c{
     if ((p.Status__c!=trigger.oldMap.get('Closed')){ //Assuming that the field to check Closed is Status__c
		Audit__c au = new Audit__c(Account__c=p.Account__c,Status__c=<new status>);//Populate all the fields req//uired to insert a new Audit__c record
      insert newList;

If this helps,please mark it as best answer to help others :)
This was selected as the best answer
Denise FloodDenise Flood
Hi Thank you for your reply, this is exactly what I am looking for except it is creating 2 new records and the Audit name is referencing an ID number instead of Account Name(linked to the account on the previous record) - Audit - Date Created. If you can help me with this I would appreciate it. Thanks