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Tyler Ball 1Tyler Ball 1 

How to override standard new quote button

My goal is to override the standard new quote button so that the expiration date on the quote defaults to today()+30. I don't want to use a workflow to accomplish this since I want the default expiration date to appear before the user saves the quote. I started creating the following visualforce page:

<apex:page standardController="Quote" showHeader="False" action="/0Q0/e?ExpirationDate={!TODAY()+30}

I got stuck because I don't know how to set the oppid to autopopulate with the associated opportunity id. I've just manually entered a static oppid  to test with. Does anyone know how I would modify this code to populate the associated opportunity id automatically? 

Hi Tyler, 

Is this on a standard page or VF page? May be this blog post could be helpful to you:

Thank you,


Tyler Ball 1Tyler Ball 1
I'm overriding a standard page with a VF page. 
Create custom button on Quote with following attributes :-

Behavior :  Execute JavaScript

Display Type Detail page Button

and put the below in JS code 

function getMsg() {'apex/<your page name>?oppid={!Quote.Opportunity}','HI','height=500,width=550'); 
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} 
return false; 

If this helps,please mark it as best answer to help others :)

Tyler Ball 1Tyler Ball 1
I get an error that says "Field Quote.Opportunity does not exist". 
My Bad Tyler, 

try this one :-


function getMsg() {'apex/<your page name>?oppid={!Opportunity.Id}','HI','height=500,width=550'); 
if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()} 
return false; 

If this helps,please mark it as best answer to help others :)
Tyler Ball 1Tyler Ball 1
Vinit, I'm not sure that this accomplishes what I'm trying to do. I'd like to be able to create a "New Quote" button which will automatically populate the expiration date of the quote to today()+30. The button would be located on the quotes related list which is located on the opportunity object. 

This would open the VF page you created,as you want this on the related list of Opportunity.

Then,you need to create a List button on Quote instead of Detail page button.
Tyler Ball 1Tyler Ball 1
I already have a custom button on the Quotes related list that overrides the standard quote creation page with my VF page . The problem is that I don't know how to reference the opportunity id from within the VF page. If I use a static opportunity id (e.g. 006Z0000008JgXv) like I did in the code below, the page pulls up fine. However, I need to dynamically pull the oppid from the opportunity somehow. I don't know how to do that. If I modify the code below to say "oppid={!} I get an error saying "unknown property 'QuoteStandardController.opportunity'". I'm probably just going about this all wrong...

<apex:page standardController="Quote" showHeader="False" action="/0Q0/e?ExpirationDate={!TODAY()+30}

Like I said create a custom button which will open the VF page and use the merge fields which I suggested you to populate the Opportunity Id.

Hope this helps !!
Elisabeth DoserElisabeth Doser
I am overriding New Quote using the standardcontroller to expose the full functionality of the CKEditor (namely spell check). I have a couple issues. First, when I click New Quote from the Quotes related list, the Opportunity name appears but the Account name does not (the label does appear). Here are the inputFields I've defined. 

 <apex:inputField value="{!Quote.AccountID}"> </apex:inputField>
  <apex:inputField value="{!Quote.OpportunityID}"> </apex:inputField>

Second, the Opportunity is field being displayed as a lookup. I really want to keep the standard functionality on New Quote that prohibits changing Account or Opportunity when clicking New quote.

I've also overriden Edit to the same VF page. When I open an existing Quote, both values appear in the page properly.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.