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Jeff LJeff L 

Prevent IDE Access to Production Org

 We are trying to design and document our development processes and scenarios and generally want to use Change Sets to deploy code/configurations to our Production org.  We also heavily leverage the IDE for development efforts, but want to limit the use of the IDE for deploying configuration/code to the Production org because it is often easy to accidentially save/deploy a piece of code into the Production environment unknowingly.

Is it possible to make configuration/security changes to selectively (e.g., user specific) prevent either:
1. Deployment of code from IDE project to the Production Org.
2. Creation of a IDE Project that is wired to the Production Org.

Thanks in advance.

Jeff L.

Arunkumar RArunkumar R
Hi Jeff,

From my knowledge you cannot prevent accessing any org data in ide or change set.

But alternatively you can completely restrict API Access in Profile setting to avoid accessing Production data in

Please let me know if you know any idea.