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Develop Survey Module in Apex

  I am developing survey module in , I designed like completely independent from org. so I create dynamically section,page,fields,language translations etc.. I am facing issue with dynamic components and it's bindings . I know <apex:dynamicComponent> won't keep the state. So i can't create more than one section in visualforce page because it override previous one while create dynamically. 

  Is there any idea how to overcome this issue. or best way to create dynamically all the pages,section,fields ect in best way to achieve the requirement. 
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
You could take a 180 degree shift and just create your own custom UI and access the backend with JSRemoting?  Standard VF is awesome but gets limiting fairly fast for complex applications.
I used standard custom component for this module instead of dynamic Component. Because,for large data dynamic component was not good one.