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Matt Sutton 7Matt Sutton 7 

Formula working in Sandbox but not Production

I have this formula working in the Sandbox on a fieldupdae
DATETIMEVALUE(TEXT(YEAR(PeopleCloud1__Date_First_Interview__c ))+"-" +TEXT(MONTH(PeopleCloud1__Date_First_Interview__c))+"-" +TEXT(DAY(PeopleCloud1__Date_First_Interview__c))+" "+TEXT( Hour1stInterview__c-10 )+":"+ TEXT( Minutes1stInterview__c )+":00")

But in Production I am getting the error
Computed an invalid date, such as February 29th on a non-leap year. Please contact your administrator; formula fields can cause such errors.

I am entering the values from a date field which is saved and therefore has to be valid and 2 numbers one for Hours and one for Minutes which are both valid

As mentioned it works in the sandbox but not in production

Any ideas?
hu yanghu yang
why "Hour1stInterview__c-10"?
if Hour1stInterview__c is less then 10 ,what will be happen?
Matt Sutton 7Matt Sutton 7
that just allows for GMT - it works either with or without in the sandbox
hu yanghu yang
I thought when the Hour1stInterview__c is less then 10 ,the Formula will has problem.
why do you not try to use a datetim field to save this information?
Matt Sutton 7Matt Sutton 7
I am trying to make a DateTime field and simplify the input fields for the user....