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Jessie WheelerJessie Wheeler 

Trigger on Contact Record (Cross Object from Task & Event)

Our contact records have 3 custom fields that we would like to update from activities being created/updated:
  1. Meeting Date (Date field)
  2. Email Date (Date field)
  3. Task Date (Date field) 
We already have a field on Activity called "Type" that identifies these 3 types of activities: Meeting (Event), Email and Task (Task)


The following is what I'd like to do:

  1. Criteria: When Contact record has an Event created/associated to it

Result: Update Meeting Date field on Contact to the Start Date of the Event (this updates each time there is a new event scheduled - with the latest start date always staying in this field)

  1. Criteria: When Contact record has an Email Task created

Result: Update Email Date field on Contact to the Created on date of the Email (this updates each time there is a new event scheduled - with the latest start date always staying in this field)

  1. Criteria: When Contact record has an Task that is NOT an email (ie Call, etc) created/associated to it

Result: Update Task Date field on Contact to the Due date of the Task (this updates each time there is a new event scheduled - with the latest start date always staying in this field)



Best Answer chosen by Jessie Wheeler
Hi Jessie, 

Here is some sample code for your requirement 1. You can refer to this and write other triggers. I haven't tested this, but should work with minor tweaks. 

trigger EventTest on Event (after insert) {
	Set<ID> whoIdSet = new Set<ID>(); 
	for(Event e:{
		if(e.whoId != null){
	//retreive contacts
	Map<ID, Contact> contactMap = new Map<ID, Contact>([select meeting_Date__c from contact where id in :whoIdSet]); 
	//update meeting date value 
	List<Contact> updContactList = new List<Contact>(); 
	for(Event e:{
		if(e.whoId != null && contactMap.containsKey(e.whoId)){
			Contact c1 = contactMap.get(e.whoId); 
			//create date from datetime 
			Date d1 = Date.newInstance( e.StartDateTime.year(), e.StartDateTime.month(),;  
			c1.meeting_Date__c = d1; 
		update updContactList; 

All Answers

Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher

Hello!  Welcome to the developer boards!

Normally - you would use Workflow to do what you're looking for, however you cannot workflow off of tasks and events specifically (boo!).  There is absolutely a solution using Apex Triggers for this.

If you are a developer, have a developer on-staff, or have access to a consultant - this is a fairly straightforward trigger to write.  You have laid out the logic pretty well in your post.  You can check out a blog post of mine to get familiarized with how to write your first Apex Trigger. (" target="_blank)

Good luck!

Hi Jessie, 

Here is some sample code for your requirement 1. You can refer to this and write other triggers. I haven't tested this, but should work with minor tweaks. 

trigger EventTest on Event (after insert) {
	Set<ID> whoIdSet = new Set<ID>(); 
	for(Event e:{
		if(e.whoId != null){
	//retreive contacts
	Map<ID, Contact> contactMap = new Map<ID, Contact>([select meeting_Date__c from contact where id in :whoIdSet]); 
	//update meeting date value 
	List<Contact> updContactList = new List<Contact>(); 
	for(Event e:{
		if(e.whoId != null && contactMap.containsKey(e.whoId)){
			Contact c1 = contactMap.get(e.whoId); 
			//create date from datetime 
			Date d1 = Date.newInstance( e.StartDateTime.year(), e.StartDateTime.month(),;  
			c1.meeting_Date__c = d1; 
		update updContactList; 

This was selected as the best answer
Jessie WheelerJessie Wheeler
Thanks hs1, I will try now.
Jessie WheelerJessie Wheeler
Hi Hs1 - First of all, thank you - the meeting date works.

I am stuck right now on the task and email. It is returning an error on line 16 - saying that t.activitydate does not exist . What am I doing wrong.

Also - we have "task detail" as a field and i want to be able to say if its a task and the take type says email, update the email date field, otherwise, enter date into task date field.

 trigger TaskTest on Task (after insert) { 
    Set<ID> whoIdSet = new Set<ID>(); 
    for(Task e:{ 
        if(e.whoId != null){
//retreive contacts
  Map<ID, Contact> contactMap = new Map<ID, Contact>([select task_Date__c from contact where id in :whoIdSet]); 
    //update task date value  
    List<Contact> updContactList = new List<Contact>(); 
    for(Task e:{
        if(e.whoId != null && contactMap.containsKey(e.whoId)){
            Contact c1 = contactMap.get(e.whoId); 
            //create date from datetime 
            Date d1 = Date.newInstance( T.ActivityDate.year(), t.activitydate.month(),;  
            c1.Task_Date__c = d1; 
        update updContactList; 
Hi Jessie, the object variable on the for  loop is "e", replace the line with this :

Date d1 = Date.newInstance( e.ActivityDate.year(), e.activitydate.month(),;

Replacing "t" with "e" shoudl take care of your compile error. 

Jessie WheelerJessie Wheeler
Excellent. It works now. I have one last piece to this that I am sure you can help me.

I have the TASK DATE field and the EMAIL DATE field. Right now the trigger just says "when task is created push into task date field on contact record" - I need it to say "when task is created and the type does not = EMAIL, push into task date field, otherwise push into EMAIL DATE field"

How can I modify this to accomplish that?

 trigger TaskTest on Task (after insert) { 
    Set<ID> whoIdSet = new Set<ID>(); 
    for(Task e:{ 
        if(e.whoId != null){
//retreive contacts
  Map<ID, Contact> contactMap = new Map<ID, Contact>([select task_Date__c from contact where id in :whoIdSet]); 
    //update task date value  
    List<Contact> updContactList = new List<Contact>(); 
    for(Task e:{
        if(e.whoId != null && contactMap.containsKey(e.whoId)){
            Contact c1 = contactMap.get(e.whoId); 
            //create date from datetime 
            Date d1 = Date.newInstance( e.ActivityDate.year(), e.activitydate.month(),;   
            c1.Task_Date__c = d1; 
        update updContactList; 
Jessie WheelerJessie Wheeler
Any help would be greatly appreciated!