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System.QueryException: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject

Hi developers,

I have my apex class deploy in my production instance and before I test this class and this was OK. When I try the implement my visualforce page I have this error "System.QueryException: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject" I prove this in my test instance and work fine. Please help me why is the problem.

This is my extension class

public class contactExtension {
    public contactExtension(ApexPages.StandardController contactController) { = (Contact)contactController.getRecord();
       idContact =;
    public List<Beneficio__c> getBeneficiosBob()
        Moneda__c monedabob = [select Name from Moneda__c where = 'Bolivianos'];
        idMonedabob =;
        x = 0;
        for (Beneficio__c ben : [select monto_estimado__c from Beneficio__c where Contacto__c = :idContact and Moneda__c = :idMonedabob]){
            if (ben.monto_estimado__c == null){
                ben.monto_estimado__c = 0;
            x = ben.monto_estimado__c + x;
        return [select Catalogo_Beneficio__c, Name, Moneda__c, monto_estimado__c, proposito__c,fecha_entrega__c from Beneficio__c where Contacto__c = :idContact and Moneda__c = :idMonedabob];

This is my visualforce page

<apex:page StandardController="Contact" extensions="contactExtension" >
  <apex:pageBlock title="Beneficios Bolivianos">
    <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!BeneficiosBob}" var="beneficio" cellPadding="3" border="1" columnsWidth="50px,110px,60px,60px,230px,30px" rules="all">
        <apex:column value="{!beneficio.Name}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!beneficio.Catalogo_Beneficio__c}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!beneficio.Moneda__c}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!beneficio.monto_estimado__c}" style="text-align:right;"/>
        <apex:column value="{!beneficio.proposito__c}"/>
        <apex:column value="{!beneficio.fecha_entrega__c}"/>
      <div class="resaltado">
         Total Bolivianos:       
         <apex:outputText value="{0,number,#,##0.00}" style="padding-left: 10px;">   
           <apex:param value="{!x}"/>

Best Answer chosen by 1111_forcecom
Deepak RamaDeepak Rama

public List<Beneficio__c> getBeneficiosBob()
        Moneda__c monedabob = [select Name from Moneda__c where = 'Bolivianos'];
        idMonedabob =;
The SOQL query above is tied to data from a particular org. In the test org, you might be having only 1 record in Moneda__c object by name "Bolivianos". Where as in prod you might be having more than one record. Resolution is to change this to list as below:

public List<Beneficio__c> getBeneficiosBob()
        List<Moneda__c> monedabob = [select Name from Moneda__c where = 'Bolivianos'];
    if (monedabob.size() > 0)
        idMonedabob = monedabob[0].id;

All Answers

Deepak RamaDeepak Rama

public List<Beneficio__c> getBeneficiosBob()
        Moneda__c monedabob = [select Name from Moneda__c where = 'Bolivianos'];
        idMonedabob =;
The SOQL query above is tied to data from a particular org. In the test org, you might be having only 1 record in Moneda__c object by name "Bolivianos". Where as in prod you might be having more than one record. Resolution is to change this to list as below:

public List<Beneficio__c> getBeneficiosBob()
        List<Moneda__c> monedabob = [select Name from Moneda__c where = 'Bolivianos'];
    if (monedabob.size() > 0)
        idMonedabob = monedabob[0].id;

This was selected as the best answer
Thank you Deepak