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Jason AdamsJason Adams 

Is the "Any" field in a queryied sObject part of the Partners setup?

I've recently started working with Salesforce, so this is all still pretty new to me. I just got OAuth working with the PHP Toolkit, and I'm not able to perform queries. Great! The trouble is I'm a little perplexed by what I'm getting.

In any Records object, I'm getting three fields: Id, any, and type. Id and type make sense, but any seems to be xml for every non-id column I've queried.. I am using the Partners.wsdl, and I understand it's loosely typed. Is this a consequence of using that? It's just unfortunate that I'll have to parse every value for every object. That can result in a  lot of overhead.

Thanks for any and all advice!
Best Answer chosen by Jason Adams
Shashank is correct, but just as it's a best practice to not only have the answer be on an external site, I'd like to share the solution in the body for others to find.

$response = $mySforceConnection->query($query);

foreach ($response as $record) {
    $sObject = new SObject($record);
As found on:

All Answers

Hi Jason,

This should help:

If this answers your question, please mark this as the Best Answer for this post, so that others can benefit from this post.

Shashank is correct, but just as it's a best practice to not only have the answer be on an external site, I'd like to share the solution in the body for others to find.

$response = $mySforceConnection->query($query);

foreach ($response as $record) {
    $sObject = new SObject($record);
As found on:
This was selected as the best answer