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Matt FolgerMatt Folger 

Collection size 1,321 exceeds maximum size of 1,000.

I looked at the other posts with a similar issue and didn't find what looked like my problem there. 

I have a user-driven SOQL query, and now that I've loaded a larger data set in the App (via, FYI) I'm seeing this problem whenever i run a query.

Best Answer chosen by Matt Folger
kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
That is were the issue is.

The query should be like this - 

SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c FROM Vencorr__c WHERE Inquiry_Status__c like '%Original%' AND Inquiry_Date__c = LAST_N_DAYS: 180 LIMIT 1000

So keep the as it was. Do not change anything. Except this -

Add a line before Database.query statement. querString += ' LIMIT 1000'

Please try out the code below.

public class VencorrCSAQuery {
    public String Ven_Inquiry {get;set;}                                    
    public String Ven_Inquiry_Stat {get;set;}
    public String Ven_Product {get;set;}
    public String Ven_PO {get;set;}
    public String Ven_Vendor {get;set;}
    public String Ven_InqDate {get;set;}
    public List<Vencorr__c> searchResults {get;set;}
    private boolean firstFilterApplied = false;
    public String queryString {get;set;}
    public VencorrCSAQuery(){
        searchResults = new List<Vencorr__c>();

    public PageReference search(){
        firstFilterApplied = false;
            //Create the dynamic SOQL query
            queryString = 'SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c'+
                                 ' FROM Vencorr__c' ;

            if (Ven_Inquiry != null && Ven_Inquiry != ''){
                string tempVen_Inquiry = Ven_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : tempVen_Inquiry + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' name like \''+tempVen_Inquiry+'\'';
            if (Ven_Inquiry_Stat != null && Ven_Inquiry_Stat != ''){
                string tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = Ven_Inquiry_Stat;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry_Stat); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = tempVen_Inquiry_Stat.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Stat : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry_Stat;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = tempVen_Inquiry_Stat.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Stat : tempVen_Inquiry_Stat + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Inquiry_Status__c like \''+tempVen_Inquiry_Stat+'\'';
            if (Ven_Product != null && Ven_Product != ''){
                string tempVen_Product = Ven_Product;
                tempVen_Product = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Product); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Product = tempVen_Product.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Product : '%' + tempVen_Product;
                tempVen_Product = tempVen_Product.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Product : tempVen_Product + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Product__c like \''+tempVen_Product+'\'';
            if (Ven_PO != null && Ven_PO != ''){
                string tempVen_PO = Ven_PO;
                tempVen_PO = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_PO); //To avoid SOQL injection
                //queryString += whereOrAndClause() +' PO__c = \''+tempVen_PO+'\'';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() +' PO__c ='+ tempVen_PO;
            if (Ven_Vendor != null && Ven_Vendor != ''){
                string tempVen_Vendor = Ven_Vendor;
                tempVen_Vendor = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Vendor); //To avoid SOQL injection
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Vendor__c = \''+tempVen_Vendor+'\'';
            if (Ven_InqDate != null && Ven_InqDate!= '' && Ven_InqDate!= 'None' && Ven_InqDate!= 'All'){
                string tempVen_Inquiry_Date = Ven_InqDate;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Date = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry_Date); //To avoid SOQL injection
               // tempVen_Inquiry_Date = tempVen_Inquiry_Date.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Date : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry_Date;
                //tempVen_Inquiry_Date = tempVen_Inquiry_Date.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Date : tempVen_Inquiry_Date + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Inquiry_Date__c = LAST_N_DAYS: '+Ven_InqDate;
           system.debug('#### final query string #### ' + queryString);
		   queryString+= ' LIMIT 1000'
            searchResults = Database.query(queryString);
          //  catch(QueryException e){
                //If the query returns more than 1000 records, display an error to the user
            //    ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Too many Reservation records found that match the specified search criteria. Please refine your search criteria and try again'));
             //   return null;
          //  }
        catch(Exception e1){
             return null;

        if (searchResults.size() == 0){
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'The specified search criteria did not match any existing Reservation records. Please try again'));
        return null;

    private String whereOrAndClause(){
        String queryClause;
        if (firstFilterApplied){
            queryClause = ' AND ';
            queryClause = ' WHERE ';
        firstFilterApplied = true;
        return queryClause;
public List<SelectOption> getInquiryStatus(){
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
//options.add(new SelectOption('-- Select Inquiry Status --', ''));
options.add(new SelectOption('Original', 'Original'));
options.add(new SelectOption('Inquired', 'Inquired'));
options.add(new SelectOption('Responded', 'Responded'));
return options;

public List<SelectOption> getInquiryStatusDate (){
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
//options.add(new SelectOption('-- Select Inquiry Status --', ''));
options.add(new SelectOption('180', 'None'));
options.add(new SelectOption('30', 'Last 30 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('60', 'Last 60 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('90', 'Last 90 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('All', 'All'));
return options;




All Answers

kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
If you are using a repitative element like apex:repeat then you can iterate over a maximum of 1000 records.

If you are not doing that and you are receiving the error in your controller, then I would suggest you check the API version of the controller.


Matt FolgerMatt Folger
The API level of the controller is 31.0.

Ok, is there a quick SOQL way to just limit the query to 1000 records?  That's probably the easiest way to do it.  Although there is plenty more than 1000 records in the entire object I doubt the users would ever need to see more than 1000 in a query view.  
You can use LIMIT 1000 at the end of your SOQL query.

kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
You can add this at the end of the query that you are building - LIMIT 1000. This will limit the number of records returned to 1000.
Matt FolgerMatt Folger
It looks like that would work but now when I look at my deployment Outbound Change Set it doesn't show that LIMIT 1000 in the XML, nor does it show up in Prod after I deploy it, even though the code appears in the Sandbox class/controller.  

James LoghryJames Loghry
If you're having issues with Visualforce, there is a hard limit of 1000 in VF iterators, like the apex:repeat element.

The same limit does not hold true for Apex so that's why I'm assuming it's a VF issue.

You can get around this by generating a List of Lists of Sobjects.  Essentially, you'll break the records into chunks of <= 1000 and using nested repeats, you would iterate through them.

This is pretty sloppy, but what your Apex may look like:
Integer CHUNK_SIZE = 1000;
List<List<sobject>> records = new List<List<sobject>>();
for(sobject sobj : [Soql]){
    List<sObject> chunk = null;
    if(records.isEmpty() || records.get(records.size()-1).size() >= CHUNK_SIZE){
        chunk = new List<sObject>();
        chunk = records.get(records.size()-1);

Then in your VF you could do:

<apex:repeat var="recordList" value="{!records}">
    <apex:repeat var="record" value="{!recordList}">


Matt FolgerMatt Folger
Thanks James, I may have to adopted that code as adding the "LIMIT 1000" to the end of my SOQL query came back with the following error:


unexpected token: LIMIT

Kaustav, do you have any advice on why that might be happening?

James, I'll have to play around with that code you provided and see if I can get it working.  

Thanks everyone for all your help.  I continue to be surprised by everyone's generosity here.
kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
I think the error is because you are creating the query dynamically and at the very end you are probably missing a space or adding extra space. This is a vry common issue when forming queries dynamically.

Please do a system.debug and print the query string. Post it here from the debug logs. We will be able to figure out the issue. If possibly provide the code and we will be able to solve it.

Matt FolgerMatt Folger
It was like this:  

            queryString = 'SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c LIMIT 1000'+
                                 'FROM Vencorr__c ' ;

I changed to this:
            queryString = 'SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c'+
                                 'FROM Vencorr__c LIMIT 1000' ;

Now it says: ERROR 

unexpected token: WHERE

kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
Try this - 

queryString = 'SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c'+
                                 ' FROM Vencorr__c LIMIT 1000' ;

There should be a space between the last field name and the FROM key word.

Matt FolgerMatt Folger
Ok, that compiled, but I'm still getting same "WHERE error", I think it may have to do with the validations that later occur on the controller:

if (Ven_Inquiry != null && Ven_Inquiry != ''){
                string tempVen_Inquiry = Ven_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : tempVen_Inquiry + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' name like \''+tempVen_Inquiry+'\'';


Could that be part of it?
kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
Yes that could be part of it. I guess that is where your SOQL is going wrong.

The format should be SELECT Id, name, etc... FROM Object WHERE Conditions... LIMIT 1000

In your code you must have executed something like this - Database.query(queryString);

What would be really helpful is if you can give a system.debug('#### final query string #### ' + queryString); just before that statment.

Then we will get to see the entire query that is being formed. If possible post the code and the debug then we can solve the issue.

Matt FolgerMatt Folger
public class VencorrCSAQuery {
    public String Ven_Inquiry {get;set;}                                    
    public String Ven_Inquiry_Stat {get;set;}
    public String Ven_Product {get;set;}
    public String Ven_PO {get;set;}
    public String Ven_Vendor {get;set;}
    public String Ven_InqDate {get;set;}
    public List<Vencorr__c> searchResults {get;set;}
    private boolean firstFilterApplied = false;
    public String queryString {get;set;}
    public VencorrCSAQuery(){
        searchResults = new List<Vencorr__c>();

    public PageReference search(){
        firstFilterApplied = false;
            //Create the dynamic SOQL query
            queryString = 'SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c'+
                                 ' FROM Vencorr__c LIMIT 1000' ;

            if (Ven_Inquiry != null && Ven_Inquiry != ''){
                string tempVen_Inquiry = Ven_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : tempVen_Inquiry + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' name like \''+tempVen_Inquiry+'\'';
            if (Ven_Inquiry_Stat != null && Ven_Inquiry_Stat != ''){
                string tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = Ven_Inquiry_Stat;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry_Stat); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = tempVen_Inquiry_Stat.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Stat : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry_Stat;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = tempVen_Inquiry_Stat.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Stat : tempVen_Inquiry_Stat + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Inquiry_Status__c like \''+tempVen_Inquiry_Stat+'\'';
            if (Ven_Product != null && Ven_Product != ''){
                string tempVen_Product = Ven_Product;
                tempVen_Product = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Product); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Product = tempVen_Product.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Product : '%' + tempVen_Product;
                tempVen_Product = tempVen_Product.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Product : tempVen_Product + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Product__c like \''+tempVen_Product+'\'';
            if (Ven_PO != null && Ven_PO != ''){
                string tempVen_PO = Ven_PO;
                tempVen_PO = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_PO); //To avoid SOQL injection
                //queryString += whereOrAndClause() +' PO__c = \''+tempVen_PO+'\'';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() +' PO__c ='+ tempVen_PO;
            if (Ven_Vendor != null && Ven_Vendor != ''){
                string tempVen_Vendor = Ven_Vendor;
                tempVen_Vendor = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Vendor); //To avoid SOQL injection
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Vendor__c = \''+tempVen_Vendor+'\'';
            if (Ven_InqDate != null && Ven_InqDate!= '' && Ven_InqDate!= 'None' && Ven_InqDate!= 'All'){
                string tempVen_Inquiry_Date = Ven_InqDate;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Date = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry_Date); //To avoid SOQL injection
               // tempVen_Inquiry_Date = tempVen_Inquiry_Date.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Date : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry_Date;
                //tempVen_Inquiry_Date = tempVen_Inquiry_Date.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Date : tempVen_Inquiry_Date + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Inquiry_Date__c = LAST_N_DAYS: '+Ven_InqDate;
           system.debug('#### final query string #### ' + queryString);
            searchResults = Database.query(queryString);
          //  catch(QueryException e){
                //If the query returns more than 1000 records, display an error to the user
            //    ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Too many Reservation records found that match the specified search criteria. Please refine your search criteria and try again'));
             //   return null;
          //  }
        catch(Exception e1){
             return null;

        if (searchResults.size() == 0){
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'The specified search criteria did not match any existing Reservation records. Please try again'));
        return null;

    private String whereOrAndClause(){
        String queryClause;
        if (firstFilterApplied){
            queryClause = ' AND ';
            queryClause = ' WHERE ';
        firstFilterApplied = true;
        return queryClause;
public List<SelectOption> getInquiryStatus(){
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
//options.add(new SelectOption('-- Select Inquiry Status --', ''));
options.add(new SelectOption('Original', 'Original'));
options.add(new SelectOption('Inquired', 'Inquired'));
options.add(new SelectOption('Responded', 'Responded'));
return options;

public List<SelectOption> getInquiryStatusDate (){
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
//options.add(new SelectOption('-- Select Inquiry Status --', ''));
options.add(new SelectOption('180', 'None'));
options.add(new SelectOption('30', 'Last 30 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('60', 'Last 60 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('90', 'Last 90 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('All', 'All'));
return options;


And the Debugged SOQL Query IS

SOQL: SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c FROM Vencorr__c LIMIT 1000 WHERE Inquiry_Status__c like '%Original%' AND Inquiry_Date__c = LAST_N_DAYS: 180
kaustav goswamikaustav goswami
That is were the issue is.

The query should be like this - 

SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c FROM Vencorr__c WHERE Inquiry_Status__c like '%Original%' AND Inquiry_Date__c = LAST_N_DAYS: 180 LIMIT 1000

So keep the as it was. Do not change anything. Except this -

Add a line before Database.query statement. querString += ' LIMIT 1000'

Please try out the code below.

public class VencorrCSAQuery {
    public String Ven_Inquiry {get;set;}                                    
    public String Ven_Inquiry_Stat {get;set;}
    public String Ven_Product {get;set;}
    public String Ven_PO {get;set;}
    public String Ven_Vendor {get;set;}
    public String Ven_InqDate {get;set;}
    public List<Vencorr__c> searchResults {get;set;}
    private boolean firstFilterApplied = false;
    public String queryString {get;set;}
    public VencorrCSAQuery(){
        searchResults = new List<Vencorr__c>();

    public PageReference search(){
        firstFilterApplied = false;
            //Create the dynamic SOQL query
            queryString = 'SELECT name, Inquiry__c, Inquiry_Status__c, Product__c, PO__c, Vendor__c, Inquiry_Date__c'+
                                 ' FROM Vencorr__c' ;

            if (Ven_Inquiry != null && Ven_Inquiry != ''){
                string tempVen_Inquiry = Ven_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry;
                tempVen_Inquiry = tempVen_Inquiry.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry : tempVen_Inquiry + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' name like \''+tempVen_Inquiry+'\'';
            if (Ven_Inquiry_Stat != null && Ven_Inquiry_Stat != ''){
                string tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = Ven_Inquiry_Stat;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry_Stat); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = tempVen_Inquiry_Stat.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Stat : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry_Stat;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Stat = tempVen_Inquiry_Stat.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Stat : tempVen_Inquiry_Stat + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Inquiry_Status__c like \''+tempVen_Inquiry_Stat+'\'';
            if (Ven_Product != null && Ven_Product != ''){
                string tempVen_Product = Ven_Product;
                tempVen_Product = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Product); //To avoid SOQL injection
                tempVen_Product = tempVen_Product.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Product : '%' + tempVen_Product;
                tempVen_Product = tempVen_Product.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Product : tempVen_Product + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Product__c like \''+tempVen_Product+'\'';
            if (Ven_PO != null && Ven_PO != ''){
                string tempVen_PO = Ven_PO;
                tempVen_PO = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_PO); //To avoid SOQL injection
                //queryString += whereOrAndClause() +' PO__c = \''+tempVen_PO+'\'';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() +' PO__c ='+ tempVen_PO;
            if (Ven_Vendor != null && Ven_Vendor != ''){
                string tempVen_Vendor = Ven_Vendor;
                tempVen_Vendor = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Vendor); //To avoid SOQL injection
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Vendor__c = \''+tempVen_Vendor+'\'';
            if (Ven_InqDate != null && Ven_InqDate!= '' && Ven_InqDate!= 'None' && Ven_InqDate!= 'All'){
                string tempVen_Inquiry_Date = Ven_InqDate;
                tempVen_Inquiry_Date = String.escapeSingleQuotes(tempVen_Inquiry_Date); //To avoid SOQL injection
               // tempVen_Inquiry_Date = tempVen_Inquiry_Date.startsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Date : '%' + tempVen_Inquiry_Date;
                //tempVen_Inquiry_Date = tempVen_Inquiry_Date.endsWith('%') ? tempVen_Inquiry_Date : tempVen_Inquiry_Date + '%';
                queryString += whereOrAndClause() + ' Inquiry_Date__c = LAST_N_DAYS: '+Ven_InqDate;
           system.debug('#### final query string #### ' + queryString);
		   queryString+= ' LIMIT 1000'
            searchResults = Database.query(queryString);
          //  catch(QueryException e){
                //If the query returns more than 1000 records, display an error to the user
            //    ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Too many Reservation records found that match the specified search criteria. Please refine your search criteria and try again'));
             //   return null;
          //  }
        catch(Exception e1){
             return null;

        if (searchResults.size() == 0){
            ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'The specified search criteria did not match any existing Reservation records. Please try again'));
        return null;

    private String whereOrAndClause(){
        String queryClause;
        if (firstFilterApplied){
            queryClause = ' AND ';
            queryClause = ' WHERE ';
        firstFilterApplied = true;
        return queryClause;
public List<SelectOption> getInquiryStatus(){
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
//options.add(new SelectOption('-- Select Inquiry Status --', ''));
options.add(new SelectOption('Original', 'Original'));
options.add(new SelectOption('Inquired', 'Inquired'));
options.add(new SelectOption('Responded', 'Responded'));
return options;

public List<SelectOption> getInquiryStatusDate (){
List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
//options.add(new SelectOption('-- Select Inquiry Status --', ''));
options.add(new SelectOption('180', 'None'));
options.add(new SelectOption('30', 'Last 30 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('60', 'Last 60 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('90', 'Last 90 days'));
options.add(new SelectOption('All', 'All'));
return options;



This was selected as the best answer
Matt FolgerMatt Folger
You rock.  Thanks!