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Philip BriningPhilip Brining 

Ideas re. handling business relationships

I'm sure many orgs will have this issue but I can't find anything about it on the community or forum.

The scenario is this: we are a University with 5,000+ employees spread over several departments.  Many of our employees work with the same contacts and accounts.  We want to record these "relationships" to become more joined up and collaborative.

Is the best way to achieve this create a custom object "Relationships" and link it to Contacts and Accounts and expect users to create a "Relationship" record to log the fact that they know a Contact or have dealings with an Account?  Or should we do this through Activity history?  Or would Chatter be the best approach?  Or is there an App Exchange product to handle this?

Thoughts and ideas appreciated.
Thanks Phil
Hi Philip,

This can be possible through 2 ways.

1. Use chatter as a Collaboration tooll whre all can share their view. You can have chatter feed on Account & Contact records so the Account/Contact specific coinversation can be captured. They can share file, discuss Topic (#topic as of tweeter), comment on Account/Contact, @mention others.

2. You can create a Junction object e,g, "Relationships" between Acoount & Contact to capture information and report on it.

Thanks, Pratik