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Madhura BMadhura B 

Helptext doesn't appear with fieldsets


I have used fieldsets in my visualforce page. Though the fields appear fine, the help text bubble doesn't appear on the layout. 
Can somebody please suggest a workaround?

My code looks like this 

<apex:pageBlockSection columns="2" title="Opportunity Information" collapsible="false" rendered="{!AND(NOT(isQuickCreate), (isStandard))}">
        <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Opportunity.FieldSets.FS_Opportunity_Detail}" var="fld">
           <apex:pageBlockSectionItem helpText="{!$ObjectType.Opportunity.fields[fld].inlineHelpText}" rendered="{!IF(AND(fld != 'Amount', fld != 'Amount_Temp__c'), true, false)}">
                    <apex:outputLabel value="{!fld.label}"/>
                    <apex:inputField value="{!Opportunity[fld]}" required="{!fld.Required}"/>

Many Thanks