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Nick I MartinNick I Martin 

Winter 14: Community users can't contact support / submit NewCase


We've set up a new community using the Community designer from Winter release 14 and when we click on "Contact Support" from the main page or from the "Post To" option in the "Ask the Community" dropdown, we get an error saying:

"Either this publisher action does not exists or you dont have access to it: NewCase"

Here is a screencast of what we see:

Please help!
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
Hi, Nick, here is a list of the known issues with Communities in Winter 15: (

I didn't see your issue listed there.

Does the profile associated with community users have access to the object the selection links to?

Good manual:

Nick I MartinNick I Martin
Hi Jason,

Thanks for the response!  I had looked through the known issues and could not find my particular item.  It's possible my issue is buried in some bad / missing config but I've yet to find it.  All the users & profiles I've configured for the community including the one I used to test are set to access Cases and related objects.

Reading through the guide you posted, I did add the "New Case" pub action to the standard layout but am still unable to create a new case from the community!

Any other ideas?
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
Did you do all the steps below?

From the Getting Started with Communities guide (pg 25); (

Enable Cases for Communities Users

Enable cases for external users so that they have access to and can create cases in your communities.
When you enable cases for external users in your community, you can assign cases to those members.
Additionally, external members can edit cases, create new cases, add case comments, reassign
cases, find case solutions, and create case teams. External users can’t edit case comments, associate
assets with cases, or delete cases.
Note: Case comments added by external users in communities are public and can be viewed
by any user that can view the case.
1. Add the Cases tab to the list of available tabs in your community.
2. Set tab visibility and “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit” object permissions. You can either set them on
the profile or using a permission set. We recommend using a permission set if you plan to apply
these permissions selectively.
a. If using a profile, such as the Partner Community profile, set the cases tab setting to
Default On and enable the “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit” object permissions for cases.
b. If using a permission set, create a permission set with the following settings for cases:
• In the Tab Settings, select Available and Visible.
• In the Object Settings, select “Read,” “Create,” and “Edit”
Nick I MartinNick I Martin
Hi Jason,

I updated the Profiles for the users in question AND created a permission set as described.
I also upate the community Admin settings to "Use Tabs" (insdead of "Use Community Designer to create custom pages")

We are still unable to create cases through the community.  In testing, we still get the error described.

Are there any other settings I might look at?
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG

Hi, Nick, if you followed all of the steps in my last post, I'm at a loss. 
Three suggestions:

  1. Post your problem to the Salesforce Succsss site, specifically the Communities Implmeentation group at:
  2. Post on the Salesforce Stackexchange site:
  3. Log a case with Salesforce customer support.

And if you find a solution please update this post with it. And I'll keep poking around to see if anything else comes to mind.



Karen Angell-MendezKaren Angell-Mendez
I am having this same problem with error "Either this publisher action does not exists or you dont have access to it: NewCase"
.  Have set my Community site to use Community Designer pages which works for all other functions so far.  This is the only error I have gotten from the Preview function.  I have been able to create new Articles and new Posts (Chatter Answer) directly from the community designer Preview pages.  I can create Cases in the standard SFDC UI and View them in the preview but it will not allow be to CREATE a new case.  NewCase action is a default Published action and has not override in place.
Been playing around with this, and I found that having a namespace prefix on the Publisher Action seems to mess up the Publisher Action when used in combination with the Community Designer Template.

For some reason, I couldn't get this to work in my DE with a namespace prefix, but it worked perfectly on my UE that did not have a namespace.
Jason Curtis NBSFDGJason Curtis NBSFDG
Thanks, Joseph, hopefully this helps some others!
Nick I MartinNick I Martin
Hi All,

WIth help from SalesForce support, we discovered that the issue has to do with a bug in how the Global Action Record Types work.  In our case, I had to switch the Record Type for NewCase global action to something other than the default 'Master'.  You can see some extra detail on the SF Success community here:
Mike BoganMike Bogan
Thanks Joseph - namespace prefix is the cause of the "Either this publisher action does not exists or you don't have access to it: NewCase" error I am having. Since the namespace prefix cannot be changed once it is set, avoid this error by developing in orgs with no namespace until it is resolved. 
If you have record types, make sure that a case record type has been selected for the global case action. It defaults to using the "Master" record type, but this generate the error, "Either this publisher action does not exists or you dont have access to it: NewCase". However, once we edited the action and set it to create cases with a certain record type, the error message went away.