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David JahnkeDavid Jahnke 

Simple Trigger to set "Authorization Required" checkbox.

Hi, First attempt at any kind of APEX trigger and could sure use some help.

On the object: gii__PurchaseOrder__c I display the realted list of line items that appear on the purchase order. These line items are displaying from: gii__PurchaseOrderLine__c which includes the field Product_Code__c and gii__Line_Gross_Amount__c.

I am looking for the code I need that will check to see IF any line has a Product_Code__c = 6410 or 1680 AND the gii__Line_Gross_Amount__c > $1000  then the Approval_Required__c field on the gii__PurchaseOrder__c page needs to be set to = TRUE.

Thanks in advance for any tips.
Hi David Jahnke,

Try this code :-
trigger updateApprover on gii__PurchaseOrderLine__c (after insert,after update) {

            Set<id> giids=new Set<id>();
	   list<gii__PurchaseOrder__c> gpolst=new list<gii__PurchaseOrder__c>();
            for(gii__PurchaseOrderLine__c gpl:Trigger.New){
                if(gpl.Product_Code__c!=null&& (gpl.Product_Code__c==6410||gpl.Product_Code__c==1680)  &&gpl.gii__Line_Gross_Amount__c >1000){                  
                    giids.add(gpl.gii__PurchaseOrder__c); //relationship field between both the objects
    List<gii__PurchaseOrder__c> gpo=[select id,name,Approval_Required__c from gii__PurchaseOrder__c where id in:giids];
                for(gii__PurchaseOrder__c gp:gpo){                 
                }update gpolst;   
