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Getting Custom Objects list without managed package objects.


Custom Objects (Unlimited Edition)  - 2,000
Note from Salesforce - (The custom objects contained in a managed package publicly posted on the AppExchange don't count against the limits for your Salesforce Edition).
//It will get list of all custom objects.
Map <String, Schema.SObjectType> allObjects = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();                
Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> allObjectsNames = new Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult>();       
for(Schema.SObjectType objType : allObjects.values())        
                        Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objectResult = objType.getDescribe();                                    	        
                           if(objectResult.isCustom() && !objectResult.isCustomSetting() && !objectResult.getName().endsWith('__c_hd'))
                                allObjectsNames.put(objectResult.getName(), objectResult); 
I am writing the above code for getting all custom objects.

It is getting all custom objects including managed package objects. How can I avoid(filter) managed package objects.

RamuRamu (Salesforce Developers) 
Came across these two posts which might help you.