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Visualforce pdf to save as attachment on a record


I have a button that once clicked it call for visualforce page to render as pdf and save it to a record which works in the sandbox...
i am trying to write test scrip for the following code but not sure how to.... can anyone start me off?

here is my button


/* call class and pass through parameters */ 

var ref = "{!Sales_Quality_Assessments__c.Id}"; 

var result = sforce.apex.execute("PdfGeneratorControllerTest1","savePdf1",{parentId:"{!Sales_Quality_Assessments__c.Id}"});'/apex/FormTest?scontrolCaching=1&id='+ref+'&scontrolCaching=1');
and for the class: - 
global class PdfGeneratorControllerTest1 {

  webservice static void savePdf1(string parentId) {

    PageReference pdf = Page.FormTest;
    // add parent id to the parameters for standardcontroller
    // create the new attachment
    Attachment attach = new Attachment();
    // the contents of the attachment from the pdf
    Blob body;

    try {

        // returns the output of the page as a PDF
        body = pdf.getContentAsPDF();

    // need to pass unit test -- current bug    
    } catch (VisualforceException e) {
        body = Blob.valueOf('Error...');

    attach.Body = body;
    // add the user entered name pdf.getContentAsPDF    
    attach.Name = 'Coaching Form'+parentid;
    attach.IsPrivate = false;
    // attach the pdf to the account
    attach.ParentId = parentId;
    attach.ContentType = 'application/pdf';
    insert attach;

    // send the user to the account to view results
    // return Apexpages.currentPage();
    // return new PageReference('/'+parentId);

    //   return Apexpages.currentPage();



I dont think getContentAsPDF is supported in test class. You can try to have an IF clause on line 18, such as:
 body = Blob.getValueOf('abcd'); 
 body = pdf.getContentAsPDF();